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The elevator pinged and slid open slowly to reveal happy, elated Lucifero walking in majestically. The large sitting room was empty  as he walked in and found his way towards the bar whistling a happy tune.
"Anyone home??!!" He called and took out a bottle of grape wine along with a glass cup.
" Hello Lucy baby." Someone called and he turned slowly with a raised eyebrow to see Sofia behind him only in a g-string and brazzier winking at him.
"Sofia!!! Jesus!!! What the hell are you doing?" He asked glancing at her with disgust. She smiled and walked up to him in a seductive manner.
"Aren't you happy to see me?"
"No. I am disgusted. Go put something on. Don't you have shame? This is my family's home for heaven's sake."
She smiled. " Oh you shouldn't be. No one is here. They are all at the relaxation apartment. Just left this evening."
He furrowed his eyebrows. " Why are they spending so much time at the relaxation apartment these days?" He muttered to himself. " Well, I have to go. I need to see them."
She looked disappointed. " What? No. You can't leave me alone here. I've been waiting for you."
He glanced at her. " With that disgusting naked body? Nah....I'll pass. Better get dressed and head home. I don't have the time for you." He said and drained his glass."
Sofia looked at him with dismay as he headed back to the elevator and shut the door.
"What the heck has gone wrong in his head? I thought he likes naked bodies." She muttered and looked at herself. " Am I no longer good enough anymore?"


After a quick speed ride, Lucifero found himself back at the ODIOUS FAMILY RELAXATION APARTMENT. The electronic gate opened on its own accord after he had scanned his fingerprint in the security tower sensor and he drove in.
He got down from the car and  shut the door, walking briskly into the house.
"Mom!!!" He called as soon as he opened the door.
"Yes baby." Came the reply and he smiled as he padded his way through the long corridor leading to the sitting room.
His mom was seated on the sofa watching a program with a big wrap of popcorn on her laps. He chuckled and jumped over the backrest of the sofa from behind, landing right in a sitting position beside her.
"I got the job." He said and took a little amount of popcorn from the pile. A large uncontrollable smile formed on Anastasia's lips as she gazed at her son who looked so elated more than ever.
"That's a good step son. It's a very good one. "
"Yeah mom. It is. My book was also accepted."
She blinked. " The book? You mean the corazon book?"  He nodded. " When the hell did you finish it? You didn't tell me? I wanted to read the manuscript first before the hardcopy."
He laughed. " Sorry Mom. That one kinda slipped my mind." He said scratching the back of his head.
"Uurgh. So now I have to wait for the book to be published before I can read it." She said and he laughed.
" Hey easy mom. Don't worry. I promise that once it is out, you will be the first to know and read it."
" Read what?" A deep thick voice jolted them both and he turned to see his dad, Carlson, staring at him with a death glare. Raphael and Azrael stood behind him looking at Lucifero nervously.  Anastasia sighed softly and folded her arms.
Lucifero smiled and stood. "Hello Dad. Good to see you looking good. Apparently, it seems your plan to make me become nothing has been foiled. I got the job. Someone not as heartless as you are accepted me despite the criminal record you helped me create. Soon, my book is going to be published and right in your face, I'm going to soar high to a height your fathers have never even reached."
Carlson raised an eyebrow at him and chuckled. " Really? That's good. I'll see about that. Meet me in my personal quarters. I have something important to discuss with you. Don't keep me waiting." He said and left Lucifero standing and staring at his back at wonder.
Now what could he possibly want to discuss with me?
"Lucy. You did it. That's good for you." The voice of excited Azrael jolted him out of his stream of thoughts. He chuckled.
"Yeah. I did it."
"I'm proud of you brother. But had better be careful when you get in there with dad. Don't do anything that would cause a fight." Raphael said patting his shoulder.
" Pfft. You know me Raphael. I don't make a fight unless you call for it. And when you do, I'm gonna give it back in a full force." Lucifero said with a smirk and walked past them to his dad's quarters.
Now what does that old hag want with me? He thought.
The lights were dim when he got to the large red room with the look of an oversized dinner room. It had three red sofas arranged in an office-like manner in the middle of the room with a center table and two glasses of wine on it. This is the room where his dad holds his meetings with the board members of his company.
Being called in here for a meeting is a sign of a serious issue. Lucifero increased the brightness of the florescent lights and Carlson glared at him.
Lucifero shrugged. "What? I need to see my surroundings better." He said and joined Carlson sitting on a sofa opposite his.
Carlson leaned back against the sofa with his legs crossed, rubbing his moustache. "Have a drink." He said and Lucifero sighed.
"Thanks, but I'll pass. What is the issue anyway. I don't have all the time."
Carlson chuckled. " So now you are feeling like the boss now because you scored yourself a petty menial job? "
" I'll pretend I didn't hear that. Only the future can tell if it's actually a petty menial job or not. " Lucifero replied with a smile.
Carlson scoffed. " Skip it. "
Lucifero glanced at him with a furrowed eyebrow. " What? "
Carlson chuckled and leaned forward to pour himself a drink. "Give it up Lucy. You and I know that the normal way of life is not for you.  You are no normal human. You are a freak for heaven's sake. "
Lucifero gritted his teeth. " Don't start that now. " He muttered through clentched teeth.
Carlson chuckled. " Nah. I have already begun. And you can't stop me. We have a bigger deal Lucy. There is a white house meeting about to take place in uhhhh..... " He glanced at his wristwatch. " Thirty minutes. Don't worry. It's a simple mission. After all, you don't get hurt easily so it won't be hard for you. I need the minister of financial economics placed in a critical condition........ "
" Why don't you ever get tired of ruining my life? " Lucifero asked glaring at him.
Carlson chuckled. "I'm not ruining your life Lucy. I'm trying to help you make use of your gift. The type of life you are planning to lead is not meant for you. "
" And who are you to decide that? You are not my creator. You know nothing about me. Absolutely nothing. Why do you derive so much pleasure in tainting my reputation in this town? "
" You reputation has already been tainted right from the moment you broke the town's first rule......... "
" YOU TRICKED ME INTO IT!!!!!!" Carlson jerked and looked at him. " You did that to me. It's always been you. You took advantage of my young age and used me to commit crimes I would never do on my own!!!!! I am so done with you. I'm a grown man now. Sorry to break it to you. You can't control me no more!!!! You can kick me out of your house and strip me of all your properties I don't care. I'm better than you a  million times and you know it. This, is over. " He said and stood. " Don't ever call me back for any petty crime mission because I am done!!!!" He said and turned to go.
" You are making a big mistake Lucifero."
"No. I am walking away from my nemesis. You better get used to it. Crime days are over. If this repeats itself again, I will report you to the cops. "
Carlson laughed. " Really? And what do you think the cops could possibly do to me? "
" You think your power will save you from the face of judgement, try me and find out." Lucifero said and walked out on him..
Carlson watched him leave with extreme shock etched on his face. "What the hell has gotten over him? Who the hell is talking him out of this? " He muttered to himself.
He glanced at his phone and picked it up. He dialed a certain familiar number and waited tapping impatiently on the sofa.
"Hello boss." A thick rough brutal voice replied him from the other end.
"I've got a work for you, Bruze."
"What's the deal boss?"
"I want you to tail Lucifero, you know him right? "
" Yes. He's your step son. "
" Yes. He is. I need you to tail him at all times and find out where he goes and who he visits everyday. When you have done that, get me a detailed information on whosoever the person is. You have three days to do this."
" Got it boss. Consider it done." The fellow replied and ended the call.
Carlson smirked and chuckled softly to himself. "Lucy Lucy Lucy. I'm going to do anything at all cost to terminate whatever is changing your mind against me."

LUCIFERO Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang