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PHEEW. He sighed deeply as he headed towards his book library and stood at the door staring at the vast multiple amount of books stacked up in tall large shelves. "This is me." He muttered softly to himself and walked in leaving the door behind him open. "I am not turning back, ever." He muttered to himself as the thought of Amara brushed through his mind.
"You made me want to change. I am not going to let you down. This is for you. " He muttered to himself and looked around the library. He needed a new inspiration for his new novel.
However, he still couldn't resist the urge to hear her voice one more time at least, before he retired to bed. He picked up his phone and dialed her number. She picked up immediately. "What?" That sharp uninterested reply thrilled him as always and he smiled.
"Hello my stubborn cupcake."
"Why are you calling me by this time of the night? "
" Felt the need to hear your voice. "
" Great. You've heard it. Goodnight." She said and ended the call.
"Wait........." He paused and looked at his phone. He laughed. " This bitch." He dialed her number again and she picked it up Immediately.
"What do you want Lucy.....?"
He smiled. " You just called me Lucy. I love the sound of that."
"Get out of your head, Lucifer.  You are disturbing my beauty sleep. "
He chuckled. " No. I doubt you were asleep. "
" What? "
" Yeah. You can't decieve me. I know you weren't asleep. You were up in bed, staring at your phone and hoping I would call or text. "
" Pfft. You are one big dreamer, Lucifer. Why would I ever do that? You are nothing to me. "
" Oh I sincerely doubt that. I didn't seem to sense any hesitation on your side in picking up my call. "
She ended the call and he chuckled softly to himself. He dialed her again and waited. It rang and rang but she didn't pick up. He smiled and waited. After a long while, the call ended without an answer. He smiled. 
"What game are you playing with me, Amara?" He muttered and dialed her again.
It rang and she picked it up on the third beep. " What??! I am trying to sleep here."
He chuckled softly. "Okay. I am sorry. I just uhh.... Well. Nevermind. I'll see you tomorrow then. Goodnight. " He said. " Have a goodnight beauty sleep. " He added and waited but she didn't end the call. He furrowed his eyebrows. " Amara?"
He heard a deep sigh at the other end. "Amara, is there a problem?"
"What the hell are you doing to me? " She asked and he blinked.
" What?  What do you mean? I don't understand. "
She sighed. " Nevermind, forget it. " She said and ended the call immediately. He glanced at his phone as her soft voice rang continiously in his head.
What the hell are you doing to me?
He licked his lips and brushed his hair backwards with his hands. "What did she mean by that?" He muttered. " What am I doing to her?" He so desperately wanted to call her back but he was scared of getting her annoyed with his constant calling. He sighed and dropped his phone on a reading desk.
He looked around the stack of books and sighed. "Which one to read now?"
"Preparing for your next book?" He heard a voice and turned to see his mom at the library door sipping something through a straw from a white plastic cup. He smiled.
"Mom. Yes. I am. But I don't even know where to start."
" Yeah. I guess giving her a call got you all confused."
He furrowed his eyebrows and turned to her. " You heard?"
She chuckled. "Everything. Including the discussion with your dad. That was good what you did. Standing up for yourself."
He smiled. " Yeah. I had to. I can't continue with that way of life. It's ruining me already and I can't take it."
She grinned sheepishly. " Now I ache to meet this lady who's made you want to change for the better."
He smiled as the thought of Amara came to his mind. "She's an angel." He said with a smile. He then shook his head. " But I still have to be careful. Dad can be quite unpredictable sometimes. I have to be he watchful. I'm afraid of what he would be plotting next."
She chuckled and placed her hand on his shoulder. "No. You don't have to be. Always remember who you are and what you are capable of."
He shook his head. " No. I can't do that. It keeps reminding me of the curse I was born with."
She chuckled. " It's not a curse Lucy. Believe me. It's a gift. It was giving to you for a reason. A reason that is yet to surface. Your dad made you use it the wrong way, that's why it's like a curse to you. Don't abandon it. Okay."
He sighed. " Alright. I won't. the mean time, I need to focus on making up plans for my next novel."
She chuckled. " In that case, I'll be right beside you."
He blinked and turned to her.

" What?" She asked with a shrug. " I don't want to miss every single detail so you don't go ahead and send the manuscript again without me reading it. "
He laughed softly and shook his head. "Alright. As you say my madame. Suit yourself."
She smiled and sat on a sofa in the room as he walked around glancing at the numerous numbers of books.
"Hmm...." He rubbed his chin in thought. "Which one, now?"


MEANWHILE, back at Amara's mansion. She sat on her bed with her back rested against a pillow against the headboard of the bed. Her phone laid in front of her on the bed as she sat still with her arms folded biting her lip thoughtfully. She could barely sleep. She found it hard to do so at this moment.
His beautiful smile, his glowing crystal clear eyes, his soft enticing lips. Shit. All these thoughts invaded her mind thereby seizing every ounce of sleep from her eyes. All she could see was him. All she could smell was him. Shit me. Help me Lord.
She felt so frustrated with herself. "What the heck is wrong with me? " She glanced at her phone with the powerful urge to call him clasping hard at her fingers. She had felt an unexplainable, soothing joy when he called earlier. She didn't understand why she had to sabotage the entire thing and keep acting all nochalant.
"Shit." She muttered and rubbed her face with her hands. She needs this sleep. But she can't. She needs help. What am I going to do?
She picked up her phone and dialed Perry. "
" Hello. " Perry replied yawning over the phone.
"Perry, are you awake? "
" No. I am sleep walking. What the hell does it sound like to you? "
Amara chuckled. " Sorry. I uhm.... I need your help."
"What for?"
"I can't sleep. "
" Uhhh...... Why? Do you have an insomnia?"
"I wish. It's something worse and I don't like it one bit."
"What's that? "
" I can't stop thinking about that bastard. "
Perry laughed over the phone. Amara furrowed her eyebrows. "It's not funny."
"It is Amara. It really is. For heaven's sake, quit the ignorance and accept the fact that your are falling hard for this guy. It's that simple. "
" But..... "
" No buts, unless you can do that, there is nothing I can do to help you. I don't know what the fuss is anyway. It's not bad to love someone, why are you so grumpy about it? "
Amara sighed deeply. " Is this how love feels like? "
Perry chuckled. "Okay. Tell me exactly how you feel."
Amara smiled. "Well, one, I can't stop thinking about him. Everything, I mean every single thing reminds me about him. And went he kissed me..... "
" Wait, what?"
Amara blinked rapidly and blushed when she realized what she said. "Nothing."
"No. Wait. You mean.... He's already kissed you?"
Amara gulped. " I uhhh..... "
Perry laughed out loud and Amara snorted. "What now?" She muttered but Perry only laughed out loud all the more.
Amara sighed and leaned on her knee with her elbow placing her jaw in her palm.
"Oh. My. Gaaad. He's already kissed you Amara. What other explanation do you need? Isn't it so obvious that this guy is into you?"
Amara rolled her eyes. "I doubt that. He's playing me for all I know."
"That's why you are trying to stop yourself from liking him?"
Amara sighed. "Yep."
Perry sighed. "It's okay. I understand. I am not saying you shouldn't be careful. You should be okay. These feelings surprisingly don't tell you when they are coming. Just be cool with him. Stop being being so arrogant towards him. "
Amara frowned. " How did you..... "
" I figured you will be rude to him in your quest of trying not to like him. That's how you are. You use harsh attitudes as a way of making yourself not to do what you don't want to do. "
Amara gulped.
" And in a way, you could have hurt him without even knowing it. Just be friendly with him. It doesn't mean you should throw yourself at him carelessly. Be nice but watchful. And if you feel you can't keep your feelings for him anymore, you let  it out."
Amara frowned. "And how am I supposed to do that?"
"Just tell him how you feel. Even if he doesn't actually like you back. Believe me, it hurts to keep your feelings for someone locked up in you for so long. Letting it out makes you feel free." She said and Amara sighed. "But  left to me, I'll say you should just marry him already. "
" Peeerrry??!!! "
She laughed. " I'm sorry I'm sorry. Just kidding okay."
Amara sighed. "Thanks."
" You are welcome."
" I really wish I could get a good night's sleep right away."
Perry chuckled. " It's easy, just lie down and shut your eyes and think about him. You will delve into the world of uhhhh..... What's his name? "
" Lucifero. "
" Yeah. You will delve into the world of Lucifero. " She said and Amara shook her head with a chuckle.
" Goodnight Perry."
" Goodnight beauty. Sleep tight." She said and hung up.
Amara glanced at her phone and sighed. "Maybe I'll just see him tomorrow." She muttered with a shrug and dropped her phone.
She laid down on the bed and thought about their kiss in her office.

My goodness. I am totally in love with this guy.


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