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"I don't understand." She said and he chuckled. He smiled and rubbed his face.
"You know what I mean, Amara. Stop pretending."
She sighed and folded her arms. " To be honest. I don't know what you are talking about."
He looked up at her and she gazed back at him with disarming pretty golden brown eyes. He gulped.

She's a goddess.
He  sighed deeply and nodded slightly. "I want to work with you."
She scoffed and chuckled softly. " You are kidding aren't you? Don't you give up? "
He smiled. " No. Not if it's something I deeply desire. "
She raised an eyebrow. " So you are saying you deeply desire to work with me?"
He chuckled. " Look at you already getting so full of yourself. No. I like the work. I desire the work. I love writing. "
She shook her head. " I don't believe you. Okay. There is nothing you can do to change my mind. " She said and licked her ice cream off the spoon. He sighed.
She beamed. " Good question. I just can't. Pardon me, you don't exactly look like the work type. Your presence alone could bring a bad reputation to the industry. I'm just scared for the safety of the company nothing more. Plus, your record is quite offensive. "
He sighed. " But that's in the past. "
" Your past could also hunt your future. Your bad record hasn't been cleared so there is no evidence that you won't committed any crime again and the company could go down for having you in the first place. You probably shouldn't have thought of committing crime in the first place if you knew you had this dream. "
He wanted to say something but shut his mouth immediately. He knew she was right. And there seemed to be nothing he could do to change that. He looked up at her.

" Yeah I get it. All what you just said is true but that's why I'm doing this. I need to clear up my name. "
She chuckled. " That's a very great step Mr Lucifer but I'm sorry, I don't think VALERIAN PUBLISHING INDUSTRY is the best place to start. Go do some babysitting or nannying. Serve the babies first, only then can everyone stand for you that your name is cleared and you have indeed changed. "
He blinked and chuckled. " Pfft. Are you seriously kidding me? Babysitting? Nannying? "
She shrugged. " Sometimes the hardest steps are always the best."
"Look. Can't you at least try me? I'm not getting into the industry yet. Just a little test to prove to you that I'm right. "
" Want to know what Mr Lucifer? there is no need. "
He blinked. " Why? "
She sighed softly. "Shit I can't believe I'm about to say this." She muttered with her hands against her  face. She looked back at him. "I.... I.....".
Lucifero had his ears clear and eager to hear what other insult she had in store for him. "I believe you." She finally said and that struck him had in the gut. He blinked confusedly.
She chuckled. "Yes. I can't believe I'm saying that but jeez..... It's not about that. It's about the rest of the community. They all have to stand for you. Not just me and the workers at the agency. Can you tell me that on the day of trial, everyone present will stand by you? "
He lowered his head and sighed. " No. "
" Great. Then it means you are not ready yet. You have to get prepared and i can't risk the good reputation of the industry over this. You have to stop. God I wonder how this Miss Lopez got through this without being caught."
He sighed and looked down. " Yeah. She's a good fellow. I had not idea the risk she was taking for me. I thought I was just a good fellow trying to make meaning to his life. But I was a notorious criminal she was trying to hide. It's so hard to find people that good these days. "
Amara sighed deeply and bit her lip. She looked at him as he looked at his ice cream cup deep in thought. She really wanted to help. She really did. But she was scared. He looked like bad influence itself. He sighed and smiled... She gulped.
"Yeah. I guess you are right. " He finally said. "I should probably back off so I don't get to taint your little beautiful Industry.. it's good. And I completely agree. " He said nodding his head slightly. Amara felt her gut twist. She felt really really bad about this. He looked like he really needed it.
"Shit." She muttered and brushed her hands through her hair.

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