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Amara adjusted a few notes on her table and sighed deeply as she shut her laptop. The excessive thoughts about what she saw between Lucifero and Ella and Michael's confrontation had both weakened her to the point of being unable to think anymore.
A lot of questions rang in her head. Why the hell is she doing this for Lucifero? She shook her head immediately and knocked off the thought. she feared she might admit what she never wanted to admit to herself but yet deep down within the ocean of her mind, she knew it's what is happening. She's supposed to be wary of Lucifer. But she's can't.
She checked her wrist watch and decided to return home early since she had nothing else to do. She kept her table in order and picked up her bag just as the doors suddenly swung open. She looked up furiously to see Lucifero and sighed.
“Don't you knock? Why the hell would you just barge into my office like that?“
He smiled. “I'm sorry. I thought you allow your friends to come in as they like.“
She rolled her eyes. “And what makes you think you are my friend?“
He chuckled. “Wait... I thought we were friends.“
She sighed and chuckled. “No. You are my nemesis.“
He smiled, walked up to her table and sat down before her. She bit her lip and looked away toying nervously with her lips. Her heart began his incessant racing again and she swallowed. I am going insane. She thought.
“Why are you mad at me?“ He suddenly asked and she looked up at him.
“What?“ She asked with a confused look. He smiled.
“Don't try to deceive me Amara. I know you are mad at me. Come on. Spill it. Tell me how I have angered you.“
She looked at him for you while and bit her lip. She blinked rapidly and shook her head. “Nothing. I am not mad.“ She said immediately and looked down. How the hell can I tell you I'm jealous?
He examined her as she looked away and adjusted her hair nervously behind her ear. He could swear that he was sensing something from her but he couldn't quite put his finger around it.
“Amara.“ He called and she looked up at him with beautiful soft golden brown eyes. “You are not lying to me and you?“
She gulped. “It's... It's nothing. I have actually forgotten about it. Uh….I wanted to ask you a question actually.“
He sighed. “Okay. Go on.“
She bit her lip nervously. “What is the relationship between you and Ella?“
He blinked. He totally didn't see that coming. “Ella?“ He asked and shrugged. “We are friends why?“
She sighed deeply. “Look I don't care who you date or have any romantic relationship with but... Ella? That's... I don't know. She's my secretary and... you both seem to be having it hot for each other and I don't know…..."
He bursted out laughing and interrupted her in the process. She looked at him with a confused look. “What?“ She asked. He kept laughing relentlessly and peeked at her.
“Are you jealous?“ He asked.
She rolled her eyes and folded her arms. “Jealous? Pfft. Please you think too high of yourself. Even if she's your girlfriend what do I have to be jealous about?“
He chuckled. “Really?“
“Great then that means I can take her out on a date tonight.“
Amara snapped her head up sharply to look at him and he smiled. “Are you serious?"
He smirked. “ Gotcha. You sure you are not jealous?“
She scoffed and looked away. “I am not. Get that thought out of your head. In fact you can go on a date with her I don't care.“ She said with a huff and folded her arms looking away. Her face looked obviously sullen. He smiled and leaned against the table.
“I am going to do just that.“
“Go ahead. I don't care.“
“You sure about that?“
“Then why the scowl on your face?“
“I am not scowling.“
“Yes you are.“
“No I am not.“
“Yes you are.“
“No I am not.“
“Yes you are.“
“No I am not.“
“But you are.“
“Yes I am... Shit.“ She muttered and face palmed herself. He laughed. This is the second time she is falling for that silly trick of his. He smiled and admired her as she sat opposite him looking beautifully childish as her palms obstructed her face.
“I can't take Ella out.“ He finally said.
“I don't care.“ She replied and he chuckled.
“Hey. It's you I want to go out with and it's you I adore.“
She put her hands down and looked at him as a visible blush crept up her cheeks. He smirked. She shook her head immediately and smiled. “I don't care.“
He chuckled. Why the hell did she just have to be so stubborn? He leaned against table.
“If you don't care, fine by me. I just want you to know.“ He said with a smile.
“It doesn't matter.“She replied with a smile and looked at her table unable to look at him in the eyes. He smiled.
“Are you going to agree to my date now?“
“Because I don't like you.“
“Ouch.“ He said softly and held his chest as if in pain. “You broke me.“
“Good for you.“
He smiled and nodded slightly looking around the office. “Look. I can promise you that nothing is going on between me and Ella. We are just friends we have been friends even before you came into the picture I promise.“
She scoffed and shook her head. “How is that my business Mr Lucifer?“ she asked and he looked at her stunned. If there is any other word that is worse than stubborn, she definitely is it. He chuckled with amusement and glanced at her relentlessly.
She looked from her table to him and back at intervals, confused about where to look. He chuckled. “ This is just one of the reasons why I like you.“He said and she looked up at him. “You are so stubborn.“ He said and stood. She shook her head.
“Don't do whatever you are thinking.“ She muttered and he smiled.
“What do you think I want to do?“
She shrugged. “I don't know…… manhandle me?“
He laughed and it was a beautiful sound to her ears. “Do you want me to manhandle you?“ He asked with a smirk and watched her face turn crimson.
“Pervert.“ She muttered and he laughed.
“Don't forget you owe me your body.“
She blushed uncontrollably. “Get out of my office.“ She muttered through clenched teeth and he laughed again.
“I will be outside waiting for your reply. I promise I won't give up onto you agree to go on a date with me.“
She leaned against her table. “Then maybe you are going to keep trying for all eternity because I won't agree.“
He smiled. “We shall see about that.“He said and walked a few steps backwards before turning and swinging the door open. He paused and glanced back at her as she glared at him with a red face. He smiled and shook his head before taking his exit.
Amara took a deep breath the moment he left and fiddled with her fingers. His presence just seems to suck the whole air from the atmosphere. She leaned back against her seat and thought about everything he said.
He admitted to not having a relationship with Ella but why did it look like the opposite to her eyes? Or could Ella have feelings for him that he can't reciprocate? Urrgh. I am so pathetic. Look at me thinking like a long-lost teenager . She thought with a chuckle and looked at her table once more . She needs to find something doing.
Her eyes fell on his manuscript at the corner of a table. She sighed and her face lit up at the side of it. She then blinked and looked around. Jeez. Look at me blushing at the sight of a book.
She rolled her eyes and picked up his manuscript to examine it again. It looks like it's about time she attended to his work.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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