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The next day, Amara and Michael returned back to Crystal town so they could finally settle down to their normal adult lives. Amara had a lot to prepare in getting her newly acquired company in order.  But of course, her parents didn't let her off like that without a tough grilling on the needs and attributes of a good leader. Amara had to endure the entire morning of her parents making the whole trip boring for her. Michael had laughed at that. His sudden unexpected caring attitude is a big shocker to Amara. He's been kind through college but his attitude at the moment is what she could describe as possessive. He gets riled up whenever she's with another guy asking her questions if she's okay and it always left her speechless.

The one moment she couldn't take it anymore and decided to ask him, all he said was he's just being a big caring brother watching over her but that didn't make any sense to her. They spent the entire trip home on the plane with his arm around her shoulders and she looking at him with a what-is-wrong-with-you expression.

They finally got back to Crystal town chatting all the way like the best friends they were. Michael suggested coming over to her place before going home. She didn't stop him. He felt honored to be welcomed at her home. But that honor was short lived by the moment they got to the apartment.

There at the beautifully edified gate stood an extremely beautiful red Lamborghini with a cute hunk sitted on the bonnet smoking his life out and looking deep in thought.

Amara's grip on the steering wheel tightened the moment she saw him. " You've got to be kidding me." She muttered.

Michael looked stunned staring at the fellow in front of them. This guy obviously doesn't want to give up. Amara felt like she should run him through with her car. She gritted her teeth the moment the fellow turned and spotted her car. He got down from him monster ride and tossed his cigarette away. He waved and both Michael and Amara looked at each other.

"What the hell does this dude want?" Michael muttered.

Amara shook her head. " I'm not sure. But I will find out once and for all." She said and unbuckled her seatbelt. She got out of the car and Michael followed suit.

Lucifero smiled when Amara stepped out of the car, but his smile died when Michael stepped out of the passenger seat.

"What is this guy? Some disciple?" He muttered.

Both Amara and Michael walked up to him and he adjusted himself.

Amara stopped right before him glaring deeply into those beautiful glittering crystal blue eyes of his. He looked back mesmerized by her extremely beautiful golden brown almond shaped pair of eyes. She's much more beautiful than he had thought. He never got to see her complete features because of the descending darkness that evening but no, he's was totally speechless. She's definitely smoking hot as he'd described. So beautiful. He was dazed for a moment staring at her. Who would have thought that a black could be this beautiful? He admired her curves and glittering smooth brown skin. What the hell.......

Wow!!!!! He screamed in his head.

He smirked. "Hello honey." He said almost forgetting his vocabulary words. "You are as stunning as the radiant sunset as always. "

Michael rolled his eyes. " Yeah. We know that. What the hell are you doing at her gate? " He said Immediately clentching his fist.

Lucifero tore his gaze off Amara and looked at Michael. "Hey. Hello dear brother. Like you said, her gate. Not yours. You shouldn't interfere. "

Michael: "...."

Michael looked stunned as he looked at the yellow haired bastard before him smirking at him. Lucifero turned his gaze to exasperated Amara. She took a deep breath. "What the fuck do you want Lucifer?"

LUCIFERO Where stories live. Discover now