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As soon as she got back to their table, she picked up her purse and glanced at her female friends who were staring at her mouth agape. “It seems you guys aren't ready to return home. I and Michael will take our leave. See ya.“ She said and linked her arm with his.

"You can go screw blond guy if you want." She added and left with amused Michael who couldn't take his eyes off her as they left.

Perry and Binta looked at each other before picking up their little bags. They both exited the club too and followed Amara and Michael to her waiting car.

"Wow. This is the best celebration night I've ever encountered. " Perry said as soon as they had all settled in the car.

Michael chuckled softly to himself. He glanced at Amara as she took out her car keys from her purse and proceeded to start the car. The extremely beautiful lady was surprising him to his bones. He couldn't help feeling so ecstatic by the sassy aura she was reflecting. Truth to he told, if she kept this vibe going, she will definitely end up not getting married as she intended.

Amara took a deep breath and tried to insert the key but it didn't get in. She sighed and glanced at the key. She scoffed and leaned back against her chair.

They all examined her. "Are you okay Amara?" Perry asked.

She chuckled. " I don't think I am. This is the most frustrating night I've ever encountered. Look at me trying to use my home key to start my car. "

Michael sighed and chuckled. " I think you are just stressed."

"Or she's deeply regretting embarrassing blond guy back in the club? " Binta chipped in and both Amara and Michael glared at her. "What? A guilt filled mind makes a lot of mistakes. "

Amara scoffed. " Nah. I think you are wrong on this one Binta. In fact, he got what he deserved. I guess I'm so frustrated. Jeez. Why me? Do I look like some whore to him? "

" Uh.... Amara. If you are really planning on getting away from blond guy, you have to do it now. Because , he's on his way here. "

Amara gulped and looked through the window to see him truly, stepping out of the club alone looking around in all his brutal glory. "Oh boy." She muttered and picked up her bag to find her real car keys but she was just too in a hurry, she didn't find it till he spotted them.

"Bingo!! He's found us Amara. Damn. Dude's got eagle eyes I must admit." Binta stated.

Michael rolled his eyes and hurriedly began helping Amara search and later found it. But as she tried to insert the key, a huge tattooed arm slipped in through the window and snatched the key from her.

"Whooooo!!! This is such a show!!!" Perry exclaimed and they all glanced at her. She giggled.

The blond fellow smirked with satisfaction and stepped back glancing at Amara as she glared at him furiously. He licked his lips and stood at a distance with his arms folded.

He displayed the key and mouthed 'come and get it' as if daring her to.

Amara made to step down from the car with every furiousness in her but Michael stopped her. "Wait." He said. "I'll go confront him instead. I know what he's doing. He's trying to get your attention. But if I come out instead, he will definitely give it up. "

Amara glanced at him and sighed. " Are you sure? He looks too dangerous."

Micheal: "...."

He sighed and chuckled. " So you know he looks dangerous and yet, you wanted to confront him."

She sighed. " Alright. Fine. Do as you wish. But I really want to crack his skull."

Michael chuckled and proceeded to get down from the car.

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