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"Uhhmmm.. Ella I need you to......" Amara said as she came out of her office and paused the moment she saw Lucifero at Ella's table. They were both chatting happily and Ella pinched his cheeks playfully in a romantic way. She gritted her teeth and clentched her fists trying to subdue the rage already eating away at her.
The matter became worse when a fellow worker walked up to them them with a pile of documents and said. "Oh my gosh, you guys are at it again, you should just get married and let it be done with. "
Lucifero glanced at the lady who said that and rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He muttered and then looked up to see Amara staring at him from her office door. She immediately blinked and shut the door before walking briskly to them.
She avoided his gaze and focused on Ella, dropping a few papers on her desk. "Stamp them." She said and turned to go without looking at him. He furrowed his eyebrows and observed her as she walked back into her office and shut the door. He sighed softly.
"Why do I see some fire going on between you two?" Ella said glancing at him  with a teasing glint in her eyes and he raised an eyebrow at her.
He chuckled. " Yes. There is a fire. She detests me." He said and Ella smiled.
"And you?"
He looked at her. "Nothing. I just....I just want to be friends with her but she....."
"You  are lying to me Lucy."
He sighed and buried his face in his palms. "I like her. I can't keep it anymore."
Ella beamed. "Then, what the hell are you waiting for? Go tell her."
"Pfft. That will be a complete waste of time. She can't even agree to a simple date."
" Oh, you have asked her out already? What did she say?"
He turned to her. " A big 'NO'."
" Ouch." Ella  sighed softly and glanced at the paperwork on her table. "I don't know why she has to be that harsh and hard on people. She will never ever make friends if she keeps up with that attitude of hers." She said and Lucifero turned to her.
" What do you mean?" He asked.
"That's how she's been ever since she came. So strict and........jeez. I don't think there is even a single amount of softness in her." He licked his lips but he didn't say anything. He sighed softly lost in thought.
"So, you are not going to give up are you?"
He chuckled. " Giving up is far away from me. That won't happen even in a millennial. What i don't understand is her sudden anger and frustration with me for a while now."
She chuckled. " I believe you. Maybe you should just talk to her. It's as simple as that."
" Not simple for someone who won't be willing to talk."
Ella scoffed. " Just give it a try. You both make a perfect couple if you ask me."
" Pfft. What makes you think so?"
" I can see it. She's harsh, you are calm, the combination of you both brings the perfect balance. You can tame her when she's hard and she can toughen you up when you are so soft."
She glanced at him to see him staring at her unsure. "What?"
"What you said doesn't even make any sense."
She chuckled. " Well. At least I said something." She muttered and giggled. "Look. Just, go talk it out with her. That's the only thing you can do. You can't just sit there and hope she will come telling you how you hurt her."
He sighed. " You think I hurt her?"
She shrugged. "Yeah. Maybe. What else will make a lady furious with a guy?"
He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. " Now how on Earth have I offended her?" He muttered softly to himself.
"You can't know unless you talk to her."
The entrance door swung open and someone walked in. "Holy crap. Not again." Lucifero muttered as he turned to see Michael walk in.
Michael took a deep breath and examined all the workers in their cubicles before his eyes landed on Lucifero and he paused. "What in heavens name is he doing here?" He muttered to himself.
He walked up to Ella's desk and Lucifero grunted inwardly. "What now?"
"What the hell are you doing here, son of the Devil?" Michael asked.
Lucifero gritted his teeth but didn't bother to turn to him. He maintained his position and smiled at Ella. "How about we finish that project we were working on?" He said and winked at her.
She smiled and glared at Michael before turning to the table. "Let's get to work then."
Michael noticed that they won't even look at him no matter how hard he tried to distract them. He decided to meet Amara herself. He left them and walked up to Amara's office.
Lucifero smiled and turned to Ella. "I thought you liked him?"
She scoffed. "I did, but he's beginning to annoy me. He's just like Amara. I wonder where the hell they got their hard heart from."
Lucifero smiled. " I doubt Amara has a hard heart."
She turned to him. " Why?"
He shrugged. " I don't know. Maybe she's just being the boss, that's why it's looks like she is hard on you guys." He sighed. " Well, I guess the meeting with my crush will have to wait. Pop boy has already taken the lead." He said and Ella laughed.
" Pop boy? What a name." She said in between laughs.

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