127. Twister.

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Bucky and I had a wonderful few days away. We stayed in the room...honestly, we rarely left the bed, preferring to spend our time wrapped up in each other...and it was perfect.

As soon as we arrive back at the compound, Wanda and Nat steal me away, telling Bucky that he has to share; the three of us settle into Wanda's suite for an afternoon of movies and hanging out.

"So," I say as the beginning of Legally Blonde plays on the TV. "Apparently, my Russian translator wasn't working properly the other day."

Nat looks a little sheepish.

"I shouldn't hav—"

"I'm not upset, Nat. I mean, I was a bit at the fact that you lied, but it all worked out so..." I trail off. "If you lie to me again, though, it's going to be an issue."

She nods. "Understood."

With that out of the way, the three of us watch both Legally Blonde films and Never Been Kissed. When the films are over, it's dinnertime, so the three of us head to the kitchen. Harris and Sharon were on kitchen rotation, and, for two people who can burn water, they made a surprisingly delicious chicken stir-fry along with steamed rice.

After dinner, we all head into the lounge and watch as Tony, Rhodey, and Steve try to play Twister.

"Move your ass, Cap!" Rhodey shouts as he reaches his right hand toward a green circle.

"Rhodey, watch that knee...it's a little close for comfort!" Tony exclaims.

I'm cuddled against Bucky on one of the couches, laughing at the three men.

"If anyone wants to change their bets, now's the time," Clint calls from his seat to my right; no one takes him up on the offer.

"Why do people find this fun?" Steve asks.

"You're supposed to play with a pretty dame, Steve," Bucky says.

"Barnes, I swear, if you don't shut up," Rhodey says.

"Yeah, we know how Capsicle gets around pretty women," Tony adds. "And I'd appreciate it if you could not talk about pretty women when his business is this close to mine."

"Alright, I'm done," Steve says, and begins trying to extract himself from the tangle.

"Capsicle, freeze!" Tony exclaims.

"Almost got it, Tony," Steve says as he stands...then realises that his crotch is at Tony's eye level. "Nope, nope, going the other way," he says, cheeks flaming.

"Why did I agree to this again?" Rhodey asks.

Meanwhile, all the rest of us are laughing hysterically.

"Who had Cap's Capsicle in Tony's face on their BINGO card?" Clint asks.

Nat raises her hand.

"Me!" she cackles, wiping tears from her cheeks.

We all stay in the lounge for a while longer, until a large yawn escapes me.

"Come on, doll. Let's get you to bed," Bucky whispers in my ear.

"Okay," I say, but make no move to stand, wanting to stay cuddled up to him.

"Do you want me to carry you?"

I nod. "Please."

He stands, and scoops me into his arms.

"I'm going to get sleepyhead here to bed," he says. "Good night."

"Good night," I mumble sleepily to the others.

"She's gonna be out before you get to the elevator," I hear Nat say.

Bucky chuckles. "Probably."

I manage to stay awake all the way to Bucky's room and long enough to brush my teeth and wash my face. Once I'm finished, he heads into the bathroom, and I pad over to his dresser and open the drawer where he keeps his short-sleeve T-shirts; I take one out and set it on top of the dresser, then strip off my clothes and pull it over my head.

"Okay. Now I have two favorite shirts," he says as he walks out of the bathroom.

I giggle as I turn to face him. "You're silly."

He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into a sweet kiss.

"No...just honest."

I'm about to respond when another giant yawn escapes me.

"Alright, doll. Bedtime."

He scoops me up and settles us under the covers, cuddling me close to his chest, his right hand gently rubbing my back.

"Good night, Bucky. Sleep sweet. I love you," I murmur against his chest.

"You too, Réa. I love you, too."

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