61. All it can do is delay it for a while.

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Bucky and I have breakfast; he fixes cheese omelettes and cuts up fruit for the both of us. The kitchen is empty for most of our meal, but Sam, Steve, and Sharon show up toward the end. Sharon fixes coffee and makes toast while Sam scrambles eggs and Steve cuts up fruit, and the three of them eat breakfast and talk with me and Bucky for a while. I tell them about movie night, and Sam immediately texts everyone else, even though it's still a bit early, saying that 'they can all deal with it' if it wakes them up.

After breakfast, Bucky and I head back to my room; we go out on the balcony, and I see that there's a covered patio bed out there. Bucky and I get settled there and he tells me funny stories about both himself and Steve, from childhood onward. I fall asleep in the middle of one about Steve fighting a guy outside of a cinema; Bucky wakes me up a few hours later, saying it's time for supper. Inside, I see two plates and glasses on the small table in the kitchenette; he tells me that Nat brought the plates up. We eat, and by the time we've finished, it's time for movie night.


Everyone is gathered in the cinema room of the tower when Bucky and I arrive.

"So, Réa, since this was your idea, you pick the film," Nat says from her seat. 

She and Bruce are on one of the reclining loveseats, a large blanket spread across their laps and a bowl of popcorn between them.

"Yeah, what Nat said," Sam says from his spot in one of the massage recliners.

The others murmur their assent as well.

"Well, I'm glad y'all said that, because I told Bucky this morning that I want to watch The Princess Bride. If any of you haven't see it, it's got a little bit of everything—action, intrigue, romance, and comedy."

"Sounds good, kiddo. F.R.I.D.A.Y., once Réa and Barnes are settled, please play The Princess Bride," Tony says.

"Of course, Mister Stark," the A.I. responds.

Bucky leads me to the reclining loveseat that's centred with the screen. He helps me get settled so that my back isn't pressed against the cushion and then grabs one of the large, soft blankets from the basket beside the seat. He spreads it over me and gives me a peck on the cheek.

"I'm guessing you want popcorn and Sour Patch Kids, right? And a bottle of water?" he asks.

"Am I that predictable?" I chuckle.

"Only with certain things," he replies with a smile.

Leaving me grinning in my seat, he heads to the kitchenette on the side of the room, and returns with a bowl of popcorn, two bottles of water, a box of Sour Patch Kids, and a bag of M&Ms. He hands me the popcorn, the gummies, and a bottle of water before settling in beside me, under the blanket.

I look at his snack and then his face, raising one eyebrow as I look at him.

"Predictable," I tease, and he chuckles.

The movie begins, and after a while, Bucky puts his arm across the back of the loveseat, behind my neck. This distracts me from the movie, and I carefully turn your head to look at him. He's watching the movie, his posture relaxed as he stares at the screen; after a moment, he turns and looks at me. He gives me a satisfied, slightly smug smile, and I realise that he's once again caught me checking him out. I blush, and turn my head back to the screen. I try to pay attention to the movie, but my mind has other ideas. The memory of Bucky picking me up for our date—and the first time he caught me checking him out—pops into my mind. This leads into the memory of me telling Bucky he's my soulmate...and what happened afterwards.

I wring my hands together as I talk, and keep my eyes on them. "I want to start by saying that I...I know this works differently for, well, everyone. And I don't expect you to...I don't expect anything." I lift my eyes to his. "I, um..." I bite my lip. "I showed you my wings and gave you my feathers because you're my...my s—" I swallow audibly, "my soulmate."

His eyes widen, and he goes completely still.


My words are cut off as he crushes his mouth to mine; the kiss is deep, urgent, and demanding. His right hand glides into my hair, grabbing it and angling my head to the side. I lean back, pulling him on top of me; my legs part—one on either side of his hips—and I feel his hardness between them. His kisses move from my lips to my neck, and I tilt my head more to give him better access. When his lips reach the spot where my neck meets my shoulder, I gasp. Instinctively, my hips rock into him, and a soft whimper slips from me at the contact. His hand tightens in my hair, and his vibranium hand grabs my hip, pulling me tighter against him. I rock my hips again and another, louder whimper escapes me as a half groan-half growl slips from him. His mouth returns to mine and his hand tightens its grip on my hip, holding me against him as his tongue plunders my mouth. He sucks my bottom lip between his, nipping gently, and a sound somewhere between a sigh and a moan escapes me.

Suddenly, he breaks the kiss, and rests his forehead against mine. "Réa, stop. Baby, we can't," he pants as I rock against him again. "Doll, please." His voice is strained, and his vibranium hand tightens further, holding me still. Awareness slowly returns, and I flush scarlet.

"I-I'm sorry," I whisper.

"Don't apologise, baby, please don't. You didn't do anything that you need to apologise for. It's just that I..." he trails off, sitting up and pulling me with him so that I'm straddling his lap. "Trust me, it's not that I haven't thought it...about you. Even when I knew I shouldn't, I'd think about you. I want you...God, do I want you. But you're more than that to me." He swallows thickly. "And even with what we are, considering that this morning was your first kiss, I want to take it slow. I want to give you time to experience things; to do things without feeling pressured, or rushed, or uncomfortable." He pauses. "I will wait for you forever, Réa."'

Someone sneezes, the sound pulling me from the memory. I realise that my cheeks are flushed and my pulse is racing. I do my best to slow it, taking deep, even breaths, and return my focus to the movie. It's the part where Buttercup discovers that Westley is alive after throwing him—disguised as the Dread Pirate Roberts—down the hill, then throwing herself down as well. It's a part of the film with one of my favourite quotes in it, and I watch raptly.

"Can you move at all?"
"Move? You're alive. If you want, I can fly."
"I told you I would always come for you. Why didn't you wait for me?"
"Well, you were dead."
"Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while."

Normally, when I hear that line, I sigh wistfully; this time, however, I can't help but think of Bucky...and the nightmare where Olc killed him. My eyes mist as sadness over the thought of something happening to him fills my mind and my heart. I shift slightly in my seat, and suddenly Bucky's right hand is on my knee, almost as if he knows I need comfort. His hand rests palm up, and I realise he's offering to hold hands. I place my hand in his, intertwining our fingers.

The contact is nice, but it's not quite enough to fully comfort me. Keeping my hand in his, I scoot closer to him, and lay my head on his shoulder. He turns his head and places a soft kiss to my hair. I once again return my gaze to the film, and it doesn't take long for me to be immersed in the story again. At the part where the Brute Squad is trying to remove Inigo from the forest, my eyelids grow heavy; every time I blink, they stay closed longer and longer. Eventually, I doze off.

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