78. ...But you said he's your soulmate.

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⚠️ TW: hospital setting; discussion of medical procedures; mentions of torture; mentions of SA; mentions of wounds ⚠️


My whole body hurts—I feel like I've been hit by an eighteen-wheeler—and my eyelids feel heavy; I struggle to open them, finally managing to do so. The first thing I see is Bucky's face.

"Hey, doll," he says softly as my gaze meets his.

I break the look almost immediately, and my eyes drift to Nat and Wanda before I realise Bucky is holding my hand. My gaze drops to my left hand in his right; I tug, and he lets go. Just as he releases me, Bruce enters the room.

"Oh, Réa, you're awake," he says. "I, um, I was just about to give you another dose of—"

"What...what happened?" I ask, my voice hoarse, and barely more than a whisper.

Bruce sighs. "Let me get Doctor Strange to explain," he says before having F.R.I.D.A.Y. contact him.

I stay as still as possible, avoiding looking at the others, awkwardness and anxiety settling over me like a heavy, itchy blanket. After what feels like an eternity, Doctor Strange opens the door.

"Hello, Réa. I've been told you want to know what happened?" he phrases it as a question as he enters the room.

I nod.

"You had a rather severe panic attack, which led to a cardiac arrest," he says gently. "Given the amount of physical and mental stress you've endured, I'm not surprised. Bruce and I managed to resuscitate and stabilise you; it took a couple of attempts. Once you were stabilised, I administered a sedative." He pauses. "Do you have any questions?"

"What happens now?"

Bruce speaks. "We'd like to keep you sedated so that your body can heal. We would obviously need you to be awake for periods of time to eat and drink, but we would sedate you as long as possible. And Doctor Lawrence—the OB-GYN I mentioned yesterday—is supposed to be here at eleven o'clock this morning to give you a check-up. Otherwise, it will be pretty much the same as it has the past few days."

"So I need to rest so my...my body can heal?"

Bruce and Doctor Strange speak simultaneously. "Yes," they say.

I take a deep breath, wincing slightly.

"Then I don't want standard sedation. I...I want to be placed in a medical coma."

Doctor Strange looks at me quizzically; Bruce, Nat, Wanda, and Bucky all gasp before talking at once.

"Réa, there are other opt—"

"You can't—"

"Sweetie, do you really think—"


Doctor Strange holds up his hand, silencing everyone. "I think it would be best if you all step outside, just for a few minutes, while I speak with Réa."

When no one moves, he fixes them with a look.


With my head down, I watch from beneath my lashes as they slowly file out of my room; Bucky is the last to leave, casting a look over his shoulder at me. I drop my eyes, unable to meet his gaze.

Once the door closes, Doctor Strange takes a seat on a rolling stool before he speaks.

"So you want to be placed into a medical coma?"

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