18. Myah, it's me!

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After I settle on an outfit—which doesn't take too long—Shuri and I join the others for lunch.

I notice that Thor seems despondent, and when he excuses himself from the table, I do the same.

"Thor!" I call as he strides down the corridor.

He stops and turns to me. "Hello, Réa. What can I do for you?"

I hesitate, unsure of just how to say this.

'Oh just say it, then you can fine-tune if you need to,' I tell myself.

"I know something's wrong. I'm assuming it's because of your brother. And I just wanted to ask if...if you'd tell me about him?"

Thor seems surprised. "I would like that very much." He pauses, looking around. "Could...could we go for a walk while we talk?"

I nod. "Of course," I say, and the two of us make our way out of the palace.

We walk for a couple of hours, and Thor tells me all sorts of stories about him and Loki...including one about how Loki became a snake.

"There was one time when we were children, he...he transformed himself into a snake," Thor says. "And he knows I love snakes. So I went to pick up the snake to admire it, and he transformed back into himself and he was like 'myah, it's me!', and he stabbed me. We were eight at the time."

"He stabbed you?!"

"Yes. Good times," Thor says. A sad smile forms on his face before he falls silent.

"Again, I am so sorry for your loss."

"Thank you for your kindness. And thank you for asking about Loki. The others haven't, but that's not surprising, given that he was responsible for the attack on New York, as well as many other manipulations and misdeeds."

I nod solemnly, and we end our walk in silence. When we return to the palace, Thor offers to escort me to my room, but I decline.

"I'm actually going to sit out here for a little while. And I need to get in touch with Pepper and figure out when to bring her here."

Thor nods, and begins to walk away.

"Thor?" I ask, and he turns back to me. "Would...would you let me see Loki?" I gesture to my temple as I ask.

He nods, and I open a telepathic link with him.

"Just focus on a memory that you don't mind me seeing. I won't be long; I just would like to see him through your eyes," I say through the connection.

"This is odd but not unpleasant," Thor replies.

A moment later, I see a man with long, black hair, wrapped in golden chains. "Surprise," he says in a slightly singsong tone.

I end the connection and look at Thor. "Thank you for sharing that with me."

He gives me another sad smile, then turns and strides into the palace. I watch him go, then take out my mobile, seeing that it's quarter past three, and call Pepper.

"Hi Réa," she chirps.

"Hi, Pepper. What time do you want me to come get you? The event starts at six-thirty."

"Would you mind coming now, actually?"

"That's perfect. Are you in your suite?"

"Yeah. My duffel bag and I are ready to go."

The Fall - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now