138. Safe, and beautiful, and loved.

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I wake in the same position I was in when I fell asleep: in Bucky's arms, my head against his chest.

"Hi, sweetheart," he says as I stretch.

"Hi." I pause. "What time is it?"

"Almost seven."

We lie together quietly for a few minutes, then Bucky begins to slip out of bed.

"No, don't go," I half-whine. "You're warm and comfy."

He chuckles softly.

"I'm going to turn on the shower. I'll be right back."

I pout a little, but nod.

He pads into the bathroom and I hear the water turn on; a few moments later, he's back, lifting me into his arms. He carries me into the shower, setting me on my feet under one of the rain heads.

"Can I wash your hair for you?" he asks.

I'm not going to turn that offer down, so I nod.


After he finishes my hair, he washes my body, and then leaves me standing under the warm spray while he quickly showers. He shuts off the water and lifts me up, carrying me out of the shower. He wraps me in a fluffy bath sheet, then wraps one around his waist before grabbing a regular towel and drying my hair. He opens the drawer where I keep a few things and takes out a wide-tooth comb, then begins combing my hair.

"Bucky, I can d—"

"Let me, doll," he says.


He combs my hair, gently untangling the strands; he grabs a hair tie from the drawer, then plaits my hair into a single tail.

"When did you learn how to do that?" I ask.

"I've watched you do it enough times...I also asked Nat and Wanda to teach me."

I giggle, imagining him plaiting my friends' hair, especially Nat's.

"Please tell me there are pictures of that," I say with another giggle. "I'd pay good money to see them."

He chuckles softly.

"You'd have to ask one of them. But if not, I'm sure Wanda could just show you."

Finished with my hair, he dries us off, then hangs up our towels before once again lifting me into his arms.

"Bucky, I can walk," I say with a laugh.

"I know you can. And we've been over this: I like carrying you...I like holding you."

I melt a little at his words.

"I like it, too," I say, placing a kiss to his cheek.

He carries me into the bedroom and places me on the bed, then goes to his dresser, opening drawers and taking out one of his t-shirts and a pair of my underwear. He hands them to me, and I dress while I watch him pull on boxer briefs, sweatpants, and a t-shirt.

"You know...this is the only place I don't wear long sleeves or long pants," I quietly say, looking down at my hands. "Even in my own room, I do."

I pause, lifting my head to meet Bucky's gaze.

"Thank you for making me feel like I don't have to hide...for always making me feel safe, and beautiful, and loved."

His eyes soften, the steel blue filled with love and tenderness; he moves toward me, cupping my face in his hands.

The Fall - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now