99. I have all of that on camera.

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"Do you guys hear that?"

"Hear what?" Sam replies.

"It's a beeping noise. It's really, really faint, though."

"I hear it," Steve says. "When did it start?"

I shrug. "I don't know. I just noticed it a couple of minutes ago."

Steve stands and begins moving around the cockpit area; I begin moving around the rear of the quinjet, listening.

"Sam, drop us to two hundred feet then turn the autopilot back on," Steve says.

I feel the jet begin to descend; as it does, the beeping becomes louder and more rapid, and I'm able to find the source.

"Sam, you got that autopilot set yet?"

"I do now."

"Buck, what's going on?" Steve asks.

"I figured out what that beeping is," I say as I make my way back to where Steve and Sam are, pressing the button to lower the ramp. "We've gotta jump."


"A bomb. There are probably several. The one I found started beeping faster as we descended; if I had to guess, I'd say it's tied to the altimeter and set to detonate at a certain altitude."

"Okay. Sam, you heard him. Out," Steve says.


Sam and Steve turn to me.

"Leave your comms units and cell phones...anything that can be tracked...on board."

We take out our earpieces and toss them aside, then do the same for our cell phones.

"Alright. Now go! I'll be right behind you. I've gotta turn off the autopilot."


"Go, Steve!"

He and Sam move down the open ramp and jump.

I turn off the autopilot, and feel the quinjet start to drop. I quickly make my way to the ramp and jump, slamming through the trees, my vibranium arm held in front of me. I hit the ground and let out a groan.

"I have all of that on camera. You know that, right?" Sam says as he and Steve walk toward me; Redwing hovers over me.

"Get it out of my face, Sam, or I'll break it."

"What was that?" Steve asks as I sit up.

"If I had to guess, I'd say HYDRA," I reply.

Steve and Sam are quiet.

"We need to get back to the compound...and be as inconspicuous as possible. Meaning we're going to have to do a lot of walking."

"Aw man!" Sam whines.

The Fall - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now