12. Honestly, I'm just as curious as you are.

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MAY 31, 2018 — WAKANDA — RÉA

"This is incredible!" I exclaim once Shuri and I arrive at her lab. "Tony would love this!"

Shuri beams with pride. "Perhaps I will invite him to visit before you return home."

She gives me a tour, then asks me if I would be willing to demonstrate my powers.

"I would like to start in here, assessing your telekinetic and telepathic abilities, along with your strength and endurance. I'd also like to observe your command of the elements, although I'm not certain whether I should do that in here, or if I should take some equipment outside. Then, at the end, I'd like you to blink us to the medical centre so I can put you on a treadmill to test your endurance. And I'd like to get some blood samples."

"Umm...that might be a problem. You're not going to be able to stick me with a needle," I say.

Shuri's eyes widen. "I didn't think of that. Could you give me a saliva sample?" Her expression turns sly. "I could always have Serg-Bucky walk by, just to make sure you drool," she teases.

I feel my cheeks heat. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Oh please. I saw that look between the two of you at dinner. There is clearly some attraction there."

I feel my blush deepen, and I fidget uncomfortably. "I...um...I don't..." I trail off.

Shuri's expression softens. "I'm sorry, Réa. I didn't mean anything by it."

Wanting to change the subject, I answer her question. "Yes, I can give you a saliva sample." I pause. "As for the rest...I'm willing to demonstrate my telekinesis, telepathy, and blinking, but that's it."

Shuri gives me an appraising look. "Alright. That's fair. Thank you for agreeing to any of it."

"You're welcome.... Honestly, I'm just as curious as you are."

With that, we begin the demonstrations. Shuri has me telekinetically move object of various sizes and materials while she furiously takes notes. The same thing happens with the telepathic demonstration; we carry on a conversation, stopping every five minutes so she can take notes. After that, I blink both of us to the medical center, and provide her the saliva sample she requested; she immediately starts working, putting droplets on glass slides and in Petri dishes, and separating the remainder between other, smaller vials and tubes.

"Thank you again, Réa," Shuri says.

"Thank you. I'm looking forward to maybe learning some stuff about myself."

"As soon as I've analyzed all of my data and compiled a report, I will let you know."

"Sounds good." I pause. "I'm going to head back to the palace now. Unless you need me to stay."

Shuri is currently examining slides under a microscope. "No, no, go."

"Good night, Shuri." I glance at the digital clock on the wall, and see that it's a few minutes past eleven o'clock. "Don't forget to sleep," I tell her. She waves me off; I can tell she's in her zone, so I leave her to it.

I planned to take the long route back to the palace and make a stop at the battlefield to take care of some things on the way, but something in my gut tells me to go back to the palace now, so I blink to just outside the entrance.

Once I arrive, my intuition tells me to go to the floor T'Challa graciously provided for all of us. I walk through the palace until I reach the floor, and move toward my room at the end of the corridor. My room is one of two that are separated from the others; a large common room sits between it and the one before it, while the one directly across the corridor is next to the conference room. My gut tells me to go that way, and as I approach, I hear a faint groan from the room across from mine. Just as I raise my hand to knock, I hear a muffled scream. Even though it's quiet, the anguish in it is intense, and before I can think it through, I open the door and slip inside the room.

I look around and see that, while the bed is empty, the blanket is gone, as is one of the pillows. I hear another scream, this one louder than the other, and realise it's coming from the other side of the bed. I move quickly toward the sound, and see Bucky. He's bare-chested, lying on his back on the floor with a blanket pulled up to his waist. His brow is furrowed and he moves restlessly. I can feel the distress pouring from him, and I kneel beside him, softly placing my right hand on his right shoulder.

"Bucky," I whisper; he groans. "Bucky, wake up."

I give him a gentle shake, and suddenly he sits upright, his left hand reaching toward my throat. Removing my hand from his shoulder, I grab his forearm, the metal cool under my grip. I know he's not present, at least not fully; his eyes are wide, wild, and unfocused. After a moment, I lower his metal arm back to his side then release my grip.

"Bucky," I say, a little louder this time. "Bucky, it's Réa."

I see the moment he returns to the present; the unfocused look leaves his eyes, replaced by a haunted expression.

"Did...did I hurt you?" he asks, his voice raspy.

I shake my head. "No."

"What are you doing in here?"

"I heard you."

He swallows thickly. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you."

"You didn't. I was actually on my way to the battlefield when something told me to come to the palace first. I followed my gut," I say. "The distress rolling off of you was heavy enough that I picked up on it. But even if you had woken me, it would still be fine." I pause. "Do...do you want to talk about it?"

He shakes his head.

"Is there anything I can do for you? Do you need anything?" I ask.

"No, thank you."

"Okay." I stand and start to move toward the door, but stop and turn back to Bucky. "I'm not trying to scold you or tell you what to do—you're a grown man and can make your own choices—so just take what I'm about to say as friendly advice. You don't have to go it alone, Bucky." I pause. "Well, I'll get out of your hair. I hope you can get some rest." I turn and again begin to move toward the door. I'm almost to it when I hear Bucky.

"Réa?" he asks tentatively.

I turn back and see him standing beside the bed, blanket wrapped around his waist.


"Are you..." he clears his throat, "are you still going to go to the battlefield?"

I nod. "Yes."

"Would, um, would it be alright if I went with you?"

I hesitate for a moment, debating; something inside me says that it's fine if he accompanies me.

"Yeah. Company would be nice. But I'm not blinking; I like walking around, especially outside. Plus, I'm excited to see the other halves of some of the constellations I saw last night in New York, along with some ones I couldn't see at all." I realise I'm beginning to ramble, and I blush. "So, yeah, walking."

Bucky gives me a small half-smile. "Walking is fine."

I give him a half-smile in return. "I'll, um...I'll wait at the top of the stairs for you."

"I'll be right out," Bucky says.

I open the door, and step into the corridor.

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