149. Appreciate the fine art.

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When I wake again, I realise I'm alone in the bed...and that I smell something delicious.

I open my eyes and stretch, then sit up in the bed just as Bucky appears in the doorway.

"Oh good, you're up. Stay there...I'll be right back."

He disappears, returning moments later carrying a bed tray table; he brings it over to the bed, setting it over my lap before going to his dresser and grabbing a t-shirt. He returns to the bed, handing me the shirt then climbing in beside me.

"Oh, wow," I say, eyeing the platter filled with pancakes, syrup, and butter, scrambled eggs, bacon, and sausage, along with two glasses of what looks like cranberry juice, and two mugs of...

"Coffee for me, Irish Breakfast for you," Bucky says.

"Thank you, Bucky. This is wonderful," I say with a bright smile as I pull on the shirt. "Although I'm hoping since there's just one large platter, that some of this food is for you. Because I do not have super soldier metabolism."

He chuckles.

"Yeah, doll, some is for me."

I pick up my mug, sipping my tea while Bucky cuts into the pancakes, holding a bite out to me.

"Bucky, I can d—"

My sentence cuts off with a giggle as he waves the pancake-filled fork in a circle.

"Fine, fine...silly man," I laugh.

We enjoy our breakfast, talking and laughing and occasionally feeding each other bites of food.

"Oh gosh, I'm stuffed," I groan, holding my belly and leaning against Bucky. "But the pancakes were so good."

Bucky laughs lightly.

"Are you in a food coma?"

"Yes. I need to hibernate," I say as I dramatically sag against the pillows.

"So you don't want to take a shower with me?"

I immediately sit up.

"What do you know...hibernation time is over!"

That comment gets another laugh from Bucky, and he smiles brightly.

"Why don't you turn on the water while I take this," he lifts the tray, "to the kitchen."

I quickly climb out of bed and head into the bathroom, doing as he asked; he joins me shortly after I turn on the water. I peel off his shirt that I'm wearing, and he steps out of his sweatpants; my eyes rove over his muscular form.

"Just a shower, Réa," he tells me with a knowing smirk.

"Doesn't mean I can't appreciate the fine art," I say with a smirk of my own.

He chuckles, the smile on his face crinkling the corners of his eyes.

"And you say I'm a big flirt."

"Where do you think I learned?" I retort before I step into the glass-walled shower.


After our shower, Bucky gets dressed then darts across the hall to my suite, returning with clothes for me: a pair of leggings, one of my oversized long-sleeve tees, and fuzzy socks. After I'm dressed, he suggests we have a movie day in the cinema room; I'm totally on board with that idea.

We make our way through the compound, running into Nat, Steve, Wanda, and Sam; I invite them to join us. Once all six of us are settled in, the debate over what to watch begins.

"Sleeping Beauty!" Wanda exclaims.

Sam groans. "No Disney movies!"

The pair bicker back and forth, with Nat and Steve occasionally interjecting.

"You never pick," I whisper to Bucky. "Why don't you decide?"

He's quiet for a long moment, then nods.

"What about Robin Hood? The Errol Flynn one."

The others fall silent and look at him.

"Did...did Bucky just suggest a movie?" Sam asks, surprise in his tone.

"I think that's a good suggestion," I say.

The others murmur their agreement, and Steve has a small smile on his face.

"I remember when we went to see that," he says.

Wanda asks F.R.I.D.A.Y. to play the film, and the room falls silent except for the sounds from the speakers. Bucky drapes a throw blanket over my lap and his arm over my shoulders, and I snuggle against him.

After the film is over, Wanda suggests watching another and then having a late lunch together. Everyone agrees, and this time Nat picks the film, opting for Æon Flux. Once that one wraps up, we all make our way to the kitchen.

"I nominate Réa as chef!" Sam says.

"Actually, I already have a plan for lunch, so I'm cooking," Wanda replies. "Although, if Réa wanted to fix dinner, I wouldn't be opposed."

"What Wanda said," Nat and Steve say in unison.

"I'm fine with that," I respond.

Wanda begins cooking, and the rest of us settle between the lounge and the kitchen table. Bucky, Steve, and Sam huddle up and begin talking; Nat and I both watch them with our heads tilted.

"Wonder what they're talking about," she says.

I shrug, and am about to respond when Sharon stumbles into the room, her arms filled with stacks of binders and file folders. I stand and make my over to her.

"Do you want some help?" I ask.

"I've got it," she snaps, her tone harsh. "Even if I didn't, I wouldn't take help from someone who can't even put on their own shoes."

I frown, taken aback, and in my peripheral vision, I see Bucky scowling, clearly unhappy with Sharon's attitude towards me. I return to my seat beside Nat, and watch as Sharon leaves the room.

'That was weird. She must be having a bad day,' I think.

I don't dwell on it any more after that, and Bucky seems to let it go as well. We all sit down to lunch, and Tony comes in to join us a few minutes after we start eating; when the meal is over, he and Bucky volunteer to clean up, and the rest of us disperse.

"I'll be up in a bit," Bucky tells me.

"Okay," I reply with a nod; pressing a kiss to his cheek, I head upstairs.

The Fall - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now