74. What if he stays over there?

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⚠️ TW: hospital setting; mentions of medical treatment; mentions of torture, mentions of wounds ⚠️


I carry Réa into the compound; she's still unconscious from whatever sedative Bruce injected her with, and she's limp in my arms.

Following Bruce, Nat, and Wanda into a room in the hospital wing, I lay her gently onto the bed, sitting on the edge of the mattress beside her. As I lay her down, Thor's cape parts slightly at the neck, and I can see bruises marring the skin of her throat. My hands curl into fists, and my jaw clenches as anger courses through me, my blood pounding in my ears.

"Bucky," Nat says, drawing my attention, but I don't take my eyes off of Réa. "Bruce's friend, Doctor Lawrence—the one he called on the jet—is here. And Tony called Steph—Doctor Strange...he's here as well. They're in the hall with Bruce and Wanda."

I hadn't even heard Bruce and Wanda leave the room, or the others in the hallway; I was too focused on Réa to notice anything else.

"Let's go speak to them—"

"I'm not leaving," I practically snarl at Nat.

"Bucky, look at me."

I turn my head toward her, and she continues.

"The hallway. That's it. Just right outside. She'll be alri—she'll be safe."

"No. They can come in here," I snap.

Nat sighs and opens the door; soon Bruce, Wanda, Tony, Strange, and a tall, brunette woman file into the room.

"Hi, Susan," Nat says.

The brunette nods at Nat before she steps toward me, her hand outstretched.

"Hello. I'm Doctor Lawrence."


"The others were telling Doctor Strange and myself about Réa's condition. We obviously cannot decide on a full treatment plan until we've examined her, but from what they've shared, it's clear she will need sutures." She pauses. "And I am hesitant to perform a pelvic exam on an unconscious patient; however, given the circumstances I've been informed of, I feel it's necessary."

All I can do is nod.

"Before I do that, she'll need to be bathed." Doctor Lawrence turns to the others. "Could you call a nurse t—"

"No!" Wanda exclaims.

"That won't be necessary," Nat says. "Wanda and I will help you."

Doctor Lawrence nods. "Alright." After a brief pause, she continues. "After we bathe her, I'll conduct my exam, and then Doctor Strange and I will suture the wounds." She pauses again. "You," she gestures to me, Tony, and Bruce, "can wait outside."

Tony and Bruce both nod, but I shake my head.

"I'm not leaving."


I cut Doctor Lawrence off.

"I'm. Not. Leaving," I repeat.

"What if he stays over there?" Wanda interjects, gesturing to a pair of chairs against the wall beside the bed, opposite the door. "We can close the curtain around the bed."

I don't wait for a response; I just walk over to the chairs and take a seat, giving Wanda a small nod of thanks as I do so.

Doctor Strange follows me, taking a seat in the other chair.

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