121. I like to meddle.

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"Hi, Nat! Hi, Wanda!" Réa chirps as she opens her door.

"Hi, Réa," Wanda and I reply as we step into her suite.

We're having a ladies' evening: we're going to do face masks, mani-pedis, and watch rom-coms. While this is in preparation for tomorrow's outing, it's also just because I—we—miss Réa, and want to spend time with her.

"So, Réa," Wanda begins. "How are things with you and Bucky?"

A brilliant smile forms on Réa's face.

"They're wonderful. He's wonderful," she replies, her smile growing impossibly brighter.

She looks like she's glowing, and it's wonderful. I'm so, so happy for her; she deserves all of the joy and goodness in the world...scratch that, the universe. And I know Bucky wants to give her that. I mean, the man planned a secret, surprise outing to the ballet, just because Réa mentioned something about Swan Lake one time, on their first date.

"Speaking of Bucky..." she looks at me. "I was wondering if you could help me with something?"

"Of course! What do you need?"

"Well, I know that he speaks Russian...among other languages. And I know you speak Russian." She pauses. "I was wondering if you could teach me some Russian phrases."

"Sure. Do you have any specific ones in mind?" I ask.

She nods.

"I have five. Well, four phrases, and a word."

"Okay. What's first?" I ask, a plan forming in my mind.

"'I love you so much'."

"Я хочу прокатиться на тебе," I tell her.

I feel Wanda in my head.


"Shh. Trust me, Wanda."

"Okay. Fine."

"Next?" I ask Réa.

"'Kiss me'."

"Cъесть меня."

"'You're my whole world'."

"Используй мою дырку."



"Okay. Last one."

Réa's cheeks turn scarlet, and she fidgets with her fingers.

"'I want to make you cum'."

"Rethinking your plan now?" Wanda says in my mind.


I hear her laugh lightly.

"Suit yourself. She's going to figure it out eventually."

"Let her," I reply.

"Я хочу заставить тебя кончить."

Réa repeats all of the phrases several times; it doesn't take her long to have them down.

"Thanks, Nat. I appreciate it," she says, and I almost feel guilty...almost.

What can I say?

I like to meddle.

Я хочу прокатиться на тебе (Yah hoe-choo pro-cah-teet-sah nah tib-yeh)

Cъесть меня (see-yest meen-yah)

Используй мою дырку (Ees-pole-zuoy moy-oo der-co)

И (Ee)

Я хочу заставить тебя кончить (Yah hoe-choo zah-stah-vit tib-yeh con-cheet)

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