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I opened my eyes, my cheeks puffy from crying last night. My lips were cracked, still feeling the tingling  of the salty tears from yesterday.

I got up from my bed. The cold breeze immediately hitting my skin, it definitely wasn't a pleasant feeling since I was only shorts and a bra. I was too tired to change my clothes, I felt drained. And not to mention it was a Monday. Great.

I brushed my teeth, getting myself ready for work, and rushing out the door.


The bouncer let me in, music blasting through my ears. "Ugh, how can people party at this time." I say, the music blocking my voice and apparently my hearing.

I made it to the back to where the music has decreased. I saw Jade coming out of the changing room. She glanced at me before walking her way towards me.

"Babes are you feeling better?" She says, putting her hands on shoulders. I nod. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine, honestly I should've read all the signs that he could possibly cheat on me." I say, my voice weakening.

"You sure you're alright?" Jade says, giving me an unsure look. "Yes Jade, I promise I'm alright." I say more confidently. "If you say so." She mumbles going in for a hug, I hug her back, embracing her warmth.

I let go of the hug. "Well it's time to work isn't it." I smile, trying to lift up the mood. Jade groans unassumingly. I laugh at her reaction. "Bye Jade." I say walking away from her. "Bye Brooke." I hear her respond.

I enter the changing room and quickly switch into my work clothes. I walk out and see Jade giving out drinks to some people.

I walk up to the duo waiting to order. "Hello what may I get you?" I ask, leaning on the counter a little. I saw one of them peak at my cleavage. I wanted to roll my eyes at them. But I knew it wasn't professional, and it was a club so really what do you expect, obviously people are going to take the chance to look at your boobs whenever they can.

"Two beers please." The other one says. I nod. "Anything else?" I ask, making sure that they truly only want two beers and nothing else. "And your phone number." The guy that looked my boobs slurs. I scrunched my nose, visibly uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry about him, he had a couple of drinks." His friend apologized while looking at him in embarrassment. "It's fine, I'm used to it." I laugh, grabbing their beers'. "Here you go." I say. "Thank you." The guy responds, handing his drunk friend his beer, getting up and walking away, glancing at me and smile, I smile back.

His smile was a warm one, it certainly felt nice to see a genuine on someone's face other than Jade's.

Now I have to keep this up for the rest of the day.

THE BLACK TULIP | TOM KAULITZWhere stories live. Discover now