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I groaned. Feeling my head pounding. "Seems like you're awake." A voice said, my immediate thought being Tom, but this voice was a bit lighter than his.

I tried opening my eyes, however it was difficult, I would open my eye lid and then they would close again.

This time I used all my might to open them. The lights in the penthouse blinding me. I sat up, immediately feeling the sharp pain in my head. I squeezed my face together.

I looked at the person who said that. A man, muscular if I might add. He was sitting on a chair in front of me, man-spread. His brown hair laid on top of his head, his skin was tanned, tattoos peeking from his collar. My eyes trailed down his body. He was wearing a black suit, his cuffs white. Then some smaller tattoos on his hands.

"Who are you?" I ask, my voice cracking a little. "José." He responds. "José what?" I ask, needing a bit more than just a first name. "That's something you don't need to know." He says sternly, getting up from his seat.

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I quickly stirred in the couch, my hands on my lap. "But who are you?" I ask, clarifying my question, getting up from my seat and walking closer to him.

Though José immediately pushed me back on the couch. My body plopping in the comfortable material. "Tom's personal assistant." José says, going into the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of pills and a glass of water.

My mind went to his response. Tom having a personal assistant? I mean how important is this guy? He lives in a penthouse. His whole aura gives off 'Respect' and 'Importance'. And me. Why am I here?

"What's that?" I ask, nodding to the things in his hand. "Pills for your headache." He dryly says. "Mh." I hum.

He unscrews the cap of the pill bottle, handing me two pills and the glass of water. I put the pills in my mouth, and then chugging the water. Having a trouble time swallowing the pills due to the size.

I placed the glass on the table separating me and him. "Can I ask you something?" I say, crossing my legs. He nods, not replying. "Who is Tom?" I ask, a genuine question I've been wanting to be answered ever since I've been 'kidnapped'.

José cleared his throat, and looked at me. "Tom is an important person, a person to not be disrespected, he's a dangerous man is many eyes, an idiot in others. He's powerful." He says, his face rock hard, his gaze was so firm that I couldn't even peek a glance at him. My eyes glued onto my fingers.

THE BLACK TULIP | TOM KAULITZWhere stories live. Discover now