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"Look at me when I speak to you Brooke." He says, roughly grabbing my chin to look up at him, our lips inches apart from one other.

"I'm sorry." I whisper. His hot breath was soaking up my lips. My palms were resting on the cold wall behind me, and that seemed the only thing that melted the heat away from me. Though, that didn't last much longer since Tom placed his hands on my curve of my hips.

A certain type of spark spread through my body, especially my lower half.

"What was that about Brooke?" Tom whispers in my ear. That most certainly caught me off guard. I backed my head, touching the wall behind me, I tilted my head upwards, to try and get an expression out of him.

The moon sort of helped me see his face, a small frown was shown on his lips, his eyes were closed, he was in pain almost.

"Tom, I wasn't in the state of mind. I was thinking with my head." I tried to explain to him, tracing my index finger along his defined and sharp jaw.

I heard Tom take a small puff in, and out. "You're driving me insane, Brooke." He whined, his voice filled with desire.

My mouth slightly parted opened. Tom was the last person I thought would say something like that. Instead of only one of my fingers tracing his facial structure, it was replaced by my hand, and pulled his face directly across from me.

"It should've been me, Brooke. It should've been me who was touching you like he was. It should've." Tom says angrily, his eyes glistened in jealousy.

"Who says I wouldn't stop you from touching me like that?" I tease, wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him dangerously close. This wasn't what I was known for, flirting with other people. This was Jade's thing, but I can't help but effortlessly flirt with Tom.

Tom's breath hitched for a second. "You're playing with fire, Brooke." He smirks, his grip on my hips tightening in the grossest profanity.

"Teasing me with dirty words, that I never knew would come out of your mouth." He added on, his voice echoed in the large quiet room.

"I can tease you in other ways, rather than simple words." I suggested, moving my lower body to his, grinding against him for a slight second, before I got devoured in his lips.

He forcefully smashed me into the wall, it was supposed to hurt, but in the situation that we were in, it turned that pain into desire. It turned me on in a way. His lips were sucking on my top lip, while i was sucking on his bottom lip, occasionally sliding my tongue across his lip piercing, trying to get a reaction out of him. And I succeeded. A deep groan emitted from his throat, and ended up entering my mouth.

THE BLACK TULIP | TOM KAULITZWhere stories live. Discover now