16. The bad guy

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Reid POV:

Ever since my fight with Ronan driving home was filled with nothing but stress. I hated walking into the quiet tension filled house. I hated not knowing exactly what to expect.

I had to be the bigger person at some point. This wouldn't change if neither of us was willing to talk to the other. And it was starting to look like I had to be that person.

But I didn't need to do that today because Ronan had his weekly therapy appointment so I'd have the house to myself.

I was so ready for a quiet house without the awkward tension from Ronan. I needed this.

When I finally pulled into the driveway I noticed another car parked there. It wasn't a total surprise to see Tiffany's car at my house. She stopped over frequently to drop food off or just to check on me. With Ronan at his appointment it was more likely that she'd be over than on the days he was actually home.

Even though I had been looking forward to the empty house I was just as happy that I'd get to see Tiff. It was a change now that she wasn't living in the house but whenever she was over I got to pretend like nothing had really changed at all.

But as I walked into the house any of that relief was gone. I almost walked right into Tiffany as she was making her way out of the house. One look at her face I knew something was wrong. Her eyes were filled up with tears but still she forced a smile at the sight of me.

I was suddenly back two years ago as I got home from one of my evening classes and found Tiffany sat on the front steps crying. My world was being ripped apart yet again and I didn't know how to put any of the pieces back together.

"Are you okay?" I questioned not understanding fully what was happening.

"Yeah I'm fine." Her voice cracked slightly with emotion.

It was obvious to literally anyone that she was lying but I didn't say anything to try to argue with her. I watched as she tried to blink away the tears and force that emotion from her face. She didn't want me to know and I knew exactly who had caused it if she was trying to hide it from me.

"Are you leaving?" I didn't want her to go but she'd been practically running towards the door when I'd stepped in.

"I probably should." She nodded. "I made some banana bread, I left it for you on the kitchen counter."

"Thank you." I didn't know what else to say.

And neither did she because she gave me another one of those forced smiles and then walked out the front door.

Any of that relief or happiness I felt was gone. My world kept getting crushed by Ronan and I was getting really tired of it. I was tired of him ruining things and making the people I cared about leave.

I'd had to deal with people leaving all my life. It started with my mom and then my dad. At some point I'd had to stop counting and I'd been left with no one left.

I was tired and I was angry.

When I walked into the kitchen all those feelings amplified. My brother sat at the table his head in his hands, his whole body slouched into the table.

He'd done this, he'd done it again. I had wanted to apologize and make things right but he didn't change. I shouldn't have to keep apologizing and fixing things with him if he wouldn't at least try to put some effort in.

I felt my control start to break and there was nothing holding me back anymore.

"What the hell is your problem?" I unleashed myself on him.

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