Chronicle 4

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Yes, I was rather shocked, but certainly not as shocked as Draco. I suppose he was much more confident in my Slytherin placement than I was. I never knew what house I would be sorted into, but Hufflepuff seemed to be the last on my list of possibilities. You're probably wondering why my housemates were hesitant to greet me, since the stereotype of Hufflepuffs is quite the opposite of their reaction. Honestly, I don't blame them for being less than enthused about the Sorting Hat's choice. I, the daughter of a former Death Eater at the time, was just sorted into the nice-kid club and it threw the balance of the entire school off. Well, not quite, but it felt like that at the time. At only eleven, everything feels like it's the end of the world when it's not.

Though, needless to say, my excitement to learn magic dampened significantly on that day. I had no idea how I was to connect with my housemates. My supposed family away from home. Many of them were Muggle-born. Hufflepuff had had a long history of being the most tolerant in the admittance and acceptance of Muggle-born witches and wizards along with blood-traitors and those with a murky family history. It was a clear ill fit for me and my prejudices. At least at the time it appeared that way. Though now, I understand why the Sorting Hat placed me in Hufflepuff. Of course, everything is always clearer in retrospect.

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