Chapter 13: House Cup and Rumours

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A fog rose from the Black Lake as Margaret pulled out her potions book to begin studying for the final exams just around the corner. Transfiguration would be the most difficult by far. The magic was well explained, the theories solid and quite useful, but it never passed Margaret's wand easily. At least potions was more tactile.

"Ravens, you're actually studying on a Saturday?" Draco's voice carried through the thick air making Margaret look up to see Draco walking toward her along with Pansy and Blaise.

"Well, Malfoy, unlike you, I'm not naturally gifted in getting good marks on my exams," Margaret quipped.

"I study, just not on the weekend," Draco defended, sitting on a relatively flat rock in front of her. Blaise sat next to her on the fallen trunk of a tree, checking her notes while Pansy picked up a flat rock, trying to skip it across the unmoving surface of the lake.

"Well, I study on the weekend," Margaret said, turning back to her notes.

"So, you haven't heard the rumours?" Blaise asked. "About Potter nearly getting killed?" Margaret narrowed her eyes, looking between Draco and Blaise.

"I've heard some things about someone breaking into the third floor and Professor Quirrell has mysteriously disappeared, so I would have to assume the rumours say it was Potter and Quirrell dead," Margaret explained.

"He's more than dead," Pansy said, throwing in another rock, skipping it four times before it sunk into the water. "There was no body left to remove from the castle."

"And what does Potter have to do with this?" Margaret asked, resting her forearms across her potions book, abandoning the thought of studying now.

"He killed Professor Quirrell," Draco said boldly, affirming her ridiculous theory which she had hit head on. "It has to be."

"And what do you think our headmaster was hiding on the third floor?" Margaret asked. "Why were they there?"

"A stone that gives you immortality," Blaise said without a hint of doubt. "Just whispers, but I don't doubt it."

"You don't think Quirrell was after this alleged immortality stone, do you?" Margaret asked.

"I mean, it's possible," Draco said with a shrug. "That family was quite old from South Africa. My father says he was the last of his bloodline. Don't know why else he would come here. It certainly wouldn't be to teach. He was after the stone."

"Either way, he's dead, it doesn't really matter," Pansy said, placing her hands on her hips.

"What do you think happened to the stone?" Margaret asked.

"Taken to a different location maybe?" Blaise guessed.

"Thrown in the English Channel," Draco suggested.

"It's probably destroyed," Pansy said, joining the group.

"You think Dumbledore would destroy something as valuable as that?" Blaise asked.

"Probably," Margaret and Draco said in unison.

"It doesn't sound like a very practical stone," Margaret admitted. "Sure, it may provide immortality, but would it stop aging? What would the point be if your body simply grew old without end? It sounds miserable anyway."

"You wouldn't want to be immortal?" Blaise asked.

"Not in particular," Margaret responded with pursed lips. "Would you?"

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