Chronicle 6

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Those weekend chess matches continued. I assume because Blaise felt a similar thrill for The Game as I did. He was my first worthy opponent at eleven years old.

I do admit now, I had a bit of a crush on him throughout first year. What can I say? He was intriguing.

Pansy on the other hand made my blood boil. She was pompous, self-righteous and her voice never failed to set my teeth on edge. Besides those clearly award-winning traits, she was a horrible player of The Game and at chess. It was painfully clear that she was a pure-blood by name only.

Finally, Daphne. She was cunning and quiet. A perfect Slytherin pure-blood. Yet, when she wanted to be, she could be generous and a rather loyal friend. I found an easier friend in Daphne than Pansy.

As for Draco, I was quick to discover his newfound obsession with Harry Potter and company. Every time he came to chess, he was fuming about something the three idiots had done. It never mattered if it was good or bad, he was always furious.

Pansy ate up all the gossip about the trio and simply encouraged Draco to make even more assumptions and ridicules toward the Gryffindors. Theo remained stoic and silent as he played chess. I could never tell at the time if he was listening or simply ignoring Draco.

Rules of The Game: Hogwarts YearsWhere stories live. Discover now