Chapter 17: Ominous Messages

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The fact of it was, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was haunted. It was common knowledge. However, the most obnoxious poltergeist was Peeves and even then, he was simply a fan of pulling pranks. Messages in blood next to a petrified cat was another sort of haunted all together.

Margaret hadn't been there to see the message herself and the bloody message was quickly washed away while Mrs. Norris, the petrified cat was taken to the hospital wing. Whenever Margaret needed to pass by Madam Pomfrey, she would assure the cat that she would hopefully be un-petrified soon even if it was a lie. Mrs. Norris looked quite sad in her state, so it only felt right to Margaret even if she didn't particularly care for the creature.

"The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the Heir, beware," Daphne echoed the bloody warning in thought as she looked down at the chess board in front of her. "What could it mean? Who is the Heir? And who are the enemies?"

"Filch's cat seemed to be a good enough enemy to petrify, so at this rate, I'd wager a guess that we're this Heir's enemies," Theo drawled, before ordering his piece forward to which Pansy sighed in frustration at her loosing pieces.

"It was a warning," Draco said with entirely too much seriousness for Theo's comment. "Slytherin's Heir isn't going about simply to petrify cats. It'll be the Mudbloods that go next, I'm telling you."

"How do you know it's Slytherin's Heir?" Margaret asked sceptically.

"I did some reading," Draco said. "The Chamber of Secrets rumoured to be what Salazar Slytherin, one of the four founders of Hogwarts left behind as his legacy in the castle. Each of the house creators left one thing or another behind. Rowena Ravenclaw left behind an enchanted study rumoured to be her personal study. Godric Gryffindor left behind his personal astronomy tower with his findings on how the stars affect arithmancy and numerology. Helga Hufflepuff left behind a quaint sunroom." Margaret glared over at Draco who simply ignored her and ordered a pawn forward. "Of course, this is all speculation. No one has ever found anything to support these rumours."

"Margaret," Theo said leaning forward across the table. "Do let me know if you find Helga Hufflepuff's quaint sunroom."

"I doubt it was simply a sunroom," Margaret said tersely. "The founder of Hufflepuff was extremely well versed in potions and herbology. It's more likely a greenhouse than a sunroom."

"Right," Pansy drawled, leaning her chin against her closed fist. "And she is more well known for her sickening tolerance of Muggles and Mudbloods. She even encouraged Mudblood admittance. It's most likely a good thing the Chamber of Secrets is open now. A culling is long overdue." Margaret felt her stomach churn as she thought of Roni petrified or worse, dead at the hands of whatever has been released from the chamber. Sure, Roni was impure and dirty, but it didn't mean that Margaret wanted her dead.

A small voice in the back of Margaret's mind reminded her, But you should want her dead. It disturbed Margaret how much she didn't want Roni dead.

"Pansy, that's an awful thing to say," Daphne said quietly.

"What, you don't agree?" Pansy questioned.

"I just don't think the answer here is to turn the school into a place of so much death even if it is only Mudbloods," Daphne said. "Sure, they shouldn't go to school here, but that doesn't mean we should kill them all in the hallways."

"If anything," Draco began, "it should make them leave. No Mudblood should have the right to step foot in a school for magic."

"If the Chamber is open, they should be afraid," Blaise said, breaking his silence. "It would be wise if they all simply left."

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