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It's dark as I step inside of the presidential suite of the Highland motel. I do as I am instructed and pull my shoes off at the door and feel may way toward the king-size bed. My nerves were all over the place. I wanted to just run, trun around, and leave this God awful place and not look back. But my father's life depended on me. At this moment, it was the only option I had.

"Good evening, Mss Stone," a thick voice says from within the darkness.

It's lace with the promise of sexual pleasure. And dark secrets. I squint, trying to find the man that matched the voice, but it's no use. It's so dark in here that I couldn't even see my own hands.

"Hello," I say, stuttering a little

"There's no need for you to be nervous, Mss Stone," he says

I look down shyly. "I've never done this before," I tell him

I hear him hum. "I have a proposal for you, Mss Stone," he says. "One I think you will be highly interested in."

"Go on," I tell him

"I'm leaving tomorrow for my hometown," he tells me. "I would like you to accompany me as my pertend girlfriend."

"I don't know you," I say. "What's in it for me?"

"Fifteen thousand dollars up front," he says, "isn't that enough for your father's surgery?"

I look still trying to find the man who talks, "How do you know about my father?" I ask

"I know everything about you, Mss Stone," he tells me, "fifteen thousand to take care of your father and then after five hundred million for life deposit in your account, Ms Stone"

"Why?" I ask

"My family is expecting me home. They are going to try to push me off on some other woman if I go up there, a single man. I have no interest in settling down anytime soon. And they always make a fuss over it. I'm tired, Mss Stone. I want to enjoy my vacation with my family. "

"And what if I decide not to go?" I ask

"There's a contract on the table with your money. Take it, I will have a driver come by your house at six to pick you up. Sign the paperwork. If you decide not to, at least your father would be taken care of."

The light from the hallway shines in as he leaves me standing in the room alone. I still didn't know who this guy was or what he even looked like.

"How was it, sir?" I hear Madame Kimberly

"The best I had in a long time," I heard the stranger tell her.

I filp the light on, finding the paperwork and money I stuff it down my bra. Looking around the suite, it was huge. Big king size bed that looked like two people just got done fucking. The red and gold covers were scattered around. I didn't get close enough to see if anything was on the sheets. The end tables where matching oak wood that matched the bed poles and the floors as will. There was a breakfast nook and a wine bar. On Suite bathroom and a living room. It looked almost like a small apartment, but better.

I wait awhile then peep out not seeing Madame Kimberly I hurry out. Taking the elevator down to the lobby I race across town toward my little run down apartment. Swing the door open as I get there.

"Mom" I call out

"What, what's wrong" she asked

"Take this, get dad to the hospital" I tell her

"Where you get this" She asked

"I got offered a job, and this is just start money to help us get by"

"OH I hope it's nothing illegal"

"No mom" I give her a smile "it's a good job" I tell her "get dad to the hospital"

"What about you" she asked

"I have to pack, the job requires traveling" I tell her

"OH honey"

"I'll be ok mom, I'll find a phone and call when I can"

"We love you" she tells me

"I love y'all too"

I watch as she louds dad into the old beat up Volkswagen beetle we have had for years. After the car disappeared from view I started packing. I didn't know what to take with me. So I packed a little of everything. Witch was everything I owned. After packing I read over the contract. It was a legal document stating that whatever is said and done with in the mouth I spend with this mysterious man stays between us. I had not problem signing the contract. Who was I going to tell anyways. I'm not even allowed to talk about who this guy is that I'm going be with. It did make me wonder who I am going be spending my time with.

The next day when the alarm went off I groan hitting the snooze. My eyes popped open again as it goes off again. Shit, I have to meet mysterious man at six. Jumping from my bed I rush to get my shower and pull on some leggings and a shirt. I'm pulling my boots on as I'm going out the door a long black limousine is parked in front of my building.

"Mss Stone, I assume," a well-built man with dark gary hair and eyes says

"Yes sir," I stammer

"Are these all your bags?" he asked, taking my bag from me

"Yes, sir."

He opens the back door for me, and I climb inside. This thing had enough room for three families. It was huge. The seats are black, as is the other interior. There is even  a phone. A glass window between the front and the back. It comes down as the driver gets in.

"Mr. Matthews doesn't like being late, " he tells me

"I'm sorry," I whisper

"See that it doesn't happen again," he says

A phone rings, how many phones does this car have? "Yes sir," Mr stiff neck answers "yes sir she's with me. We are on our way to the airport. I assure you sir will be on time."

At least I know my companions' last name now, Matthews. And I know we are going to be flying. I wonder where we are going. He didn't have much of an accent. Maybe he's been over here so long his lost his accent. It grows quite as I look out the window. My eyes land on the huge Gulfstream airplane. Mr. Siff neck parks the limousine getting out, and he opens my door. I slowly climb out, looking up at the red and white plan.

"Mr. Matthews waits for you inside, " the guy says."I'll take care of your bags. "

"Thank you ..."

"Maxwell," he says

I smile. "Thank you, Maxwell,"

He nods, going around to get the bags as I head for the plane. There is another man waiting at the door to the plan, his tall and looks to be in his late sixty. Is this the mysterious Mr. Matthews.

"Mss Stone," the man says, and I know it's not him


"I'm Jeffrey, the pilot. Please come aboard," he says

I smile and take his hand as he offers it to me. My eyes land on the man that is standing inside the plan. His hair, a deep coco color, swept back off his forehead and pined up by an unseen band. His skin was flawless. He eyed me.

"I almost given up on you, Mss Stone," Rafe Matthews says

Rafe Matthews was well-known for his wealth. He was the most eligible bachelor at the young age of thirty-four. He was a player and loved the ladies. He stayed in the tabloids. On the front cover of every news article. He was the it person. So my question was way me?

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