Back in England

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Zoe and I plan out our trip to England. We don't tell anyone we are going up there except Mrs. Caroline and Maxwell. On arrival, we head to the Metropolitan to talk to the constables that are in charge of the investigation down there. The lead constable Emma Adams meets us in one of the conference rooms at the Metropolitan.

Constable Emma Adams is a tall woman with short blond hair. She wears a tailored blue pant suit with a white blouse. Her eyes are panted a light blue in color. And her lips a soft pink. She's a small and a little on the homely side.

"We have been following your case very closely since it came about," she tells us

"Have you gotten any leads yet?" I ask

"We have actually pulled in, Mr. Thomas Daniels." She says

"Does he look good?" I ask

"I'm sorry," she says

"Do you think he might have David?" I ask again. I had forgotten we were in England, not America

"He says he was in England the night young David went missing," she says. "I have my people looking into it," she tells us, "

"Anything else you can give us"

"I wish there was," she tells us

"We're going be staying at Bath Spa Hotel. If anything comes up, " I tell her

She jots down the name of the hotel we will be staying at. "I'll be sure to let you know if we find anything. We would like to do a press release while you're here, " She tells us

Of course, they would "give us a day to settle in," I tell her

She nods. "It was a pleasure to meet the likes of you," she says as we stand

I nod, helping Zoe to her feet. We head out for something to eat before facing my family. I really wasn't ready to see my dear mum just yet. I could tell Zoe wasn't looking forward to seeing her ether.

"Maybe I should stay at the hotel," she says as we get closer to the house

"We're not going be long," I tell her. "She needs to know she can't control everything."

"What if she refuses to let me in or something?"

"Then we leave together,"

I reach over, taking her hand. We had opted out of taking the limousine this time. Getting a rental, full-size SUV automatic. It had plenty of space in it. As I pull up into my parents' driveway, I notice a white truck parked out front.

"Someone else here," Zoe asked

"Looks that way, I don't know the truck. Let's go see who it is. "

I get out going around to open Zoe's door for her. I never really came unannounced before. But I had my reasons for coming this time. We kock as we got to the door. Sarah, my parents' maid answers the door.

"Mr. Rafe, what a surprise, " she says."Mrs. Matthews isn't expecting you. "

"Would you be so kind to let her know we're here, Sarah?" I ask

"Yes, sir," she says, rushing away

"I don't think your mom is going like the unannounced visit," Zoe says

I smile. "She'll get over it."

Mum and dad both come rushing out to greet us. Mum was smiling, but it faded as she entered the hall and saw Zoe standing beside me. I pull Zoe closer to me.

"Rafe, what a pleasant surprise," she says. "I wasn't expecting to see you so soon,"

"We had to come down to talk to the Metropolitan there about David's kidnapping," I tell her

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