The Price For Being His

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We finally got all our stuff into Rafe's penthouse. We have been there for two months now, and I am already showing my baby bump. I spend most days cleaning the house and taking care of momma. I feel like I need to be working and brought it up to Rafe a couple of times. He told me that I should just stay home for now, at least until the baby is born. Caroline comes over to help with mom. That's a good thing because I have free time to do what I need around the house. I found out that Rafe had someone come out to clean the house every third Wednesday. I told him that since I was there, she didn't really need to come. I already cleaned everything. He kept her own to do small jobs like taking out the garbage and cleaning the bathrooms it was things I didn't do. Or just didn't care for doing.

It was a Saturday, and Rafe and I were at the island eating breakfast. It was usually quiet in the mornings. Mom slept in, and Rafe and I enjoyed each other's company. I always read the morning gossip page on my phone. There was always something about Rafe Matthews in there. I scroll there the headline of today's article.

"Secrets revealed about Rafe Matthews Girlfriend Zoe Stone," I read out loud

"Are you keeping secrets from me?" Rafe asked, smiling

I smile at him. "Maybe one," I tell him

He rased his brow. "Do tell."

"It wouldn't be a secret if I told," I tell him, scrolling up to find the article. "We talked to Rafe Matthews mom in his hometown Bath England."

"When was this?" he asked

"Last week," I tell him

"I wonder why she didn't tell me,"

"Rafe's mum says that." I stop

"What she say," he ask

"I'm a gold digging tramp," I tell him. "I didn't know she didn't like me,"

"Forget the article," he tells me

"No, better I find out now then later what you're family thanks of me" I tell him "Mrs. Matthews says Zoe Stone is nothing more than a fake. She's a paid girlfriend for her son." I read tears coming to my eyes how did she know "before she meet Rafe Matthews she's nothing more the a whore."

"Zoe" Rafe says

"Did you tell them" I ask

"You know better then that"

"Then how do they know"

"I don't know how they found out. But I promise I won't allow this to destroy us" he tells me

I stand "Zoe" he says

"I'm going check on mom" I tell him

He nods I hurry into the room where mom is. She's awake so I move her to her wheelchair.

"You hungry mom" I ask her

I take her to the bathroom then after getting her cleaned up I take her to the kitchen.

"Eggs and cheese toast" I ask her as I start her breakfast

Rafe isn't in there, I'm guessing he went to the room or his office. I sit down beside mom to fed her.

"Just eggs today hum" I ask her

"Hey love," Rafe says coming into the room "I gotta go into the office for a little while but I'll be back before you know it"

I smile "ok, you pick me up some doughnuts" I ask

"Anything" he says kissing my lips then he looks at mom "make sure she stays out of trouble Mrs Stone" he tells her

And there's that smile again "I really think she likes you" I tell him

"I hope so"

Kissing me again He heads out leaving me and mom alone. After feeding her I take her back to her room truning her TV on.

"You want in bed on in the chair" I ask her "chair, I don't blame you. Who wants to sit in bed all day"

I sit her up in the comfortable chair in the room facing the TV. Putting it on her favorite shows.

"Ok, now I need to go clean dishes and clean up. I'll give you this" I tell her handing her the call button "if you need anything push the button" I tell her "I'll come check on you in a bit" I tell her kissing her forehead

I leave her to go clean up. I hear the phone in Rafe's office ring as I am cleaning the living room up. At first, I thought I could just ignore it, but it just kept on ringing. Putting the dust rag aside, I head to his office. This would be my first time there.

A huge cider dask sits in the middle of the floor. Two large cream colored chairs sit in front of it and a coffee color officer  chair behind it. Bookshelves lind the back of the desk and front. While against one wall, sit a long tan old fashioned couch. His lab top sits open on the desk along with a bunch of papers. Pen holders with lots of pens and pencils in it. A lamp and pictures of his family.

"Hello Matthews, residence, how may I help you?" I answer

"Is my son there?" Mrs Matthews says, spitting out the words she sounded mad

"I'm sorry, Mrs Matthews, but Rafe is at work right now. Can I take a message for him?" I ask

"It's Mr. Matthews to you. You little slut"

"Mrs Matthews I don't think name calling is appropriate" I tell her "Now do you want to leave Rafe a message or not" I ask once again

"I told you not to call him that" she screams at me

"Wheater you like it or not Mrs Matthews, Rafe and I are together" I tell her "I'm going to ask once again if you like to leave a message if you don't then I will hang up" I tell her

"And, I told you"

I hang up, sitting in one of the oversized chairs I let the tears that I was holding back come. How could she be so nice to me before and now treat me like I was beneath her. After a good cry I go and check on mom. She was falling asleep so I moved her to her bed. Leaving her to rest I finished cleaning then head upstairs to the room I shear with Rafe. I lay down and my tears return.

"Mum said you hung up on her" Rafe says from the door way

I sit up whipping my tears he closes the space between us pulling me into his arms. "All I asked was if she wanted to leave a message" I told him

"I'm sorry Zoe" he says "I got your doughnuts"

I smile "thank you"

Leaning towards me his lips claim mine. We head to the kitchen to the doughnuts. I sit on the island eating while he fiddles with some papers on the other side.

"There's a charity event next week" he say reading one of the papers "We're invited"

"OH how lovely, what charity is it for" I ask

"This one is going be for foster care. It's a big event colors are blue and white. They usually have a great trun out and even get the foster children evolved in the event."

"Sounds great"

"You're going love it" he tells me

"Will we get to dress up again"

"Most definitely, I'll have Rosie accept the invite for us and we'll go shopping for our clothes"

"I'll see if Caroline can stay with mom that night"

"Or she could come with us" he says

"You don't think it'll be too much" I ask

"Not at all, we'll see if Caroline can come and help out I'm sure she would enjoy it too"

"You're so wonderful" I tell him leaning across the island I kiss his lips

"I was also thinking this would be the perfect time to announce your pregnancy" he says

"You sure that's a good idea" I ask biting my lip

"I want the world to know Zoe"

I smile as he kisses me once again.

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