New Look for England

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The sun hits my face the next day, waking me up. I could hear the sound of the shower going, so I knew Rafe was in there. I sit up, taking in the large room I slept in last night. It really happened that I wasn't dreaming. I reached over, dialing the hospital number to check on dad.

"Hello," mom answers she sounds so worried

"Mom, how are things?" I ask

"Fine, but we miss you so much."

"I miss you too, mom. I'm going to see if my boss can wire you some money to get by on so you don't have to struggle while I'm away," I tell her

"OH Zoe, you don't have to worry about daddy and me. Besides that new boss of yours already covered our expenses"

I look at the bathroom, I didn't know he had done that. All I knew about was the money for dad's surgery. Wait, what money did he leave.

"Mom, how much did he leave?" I ask her

"I went to the bank yesterday to see if I could get a little cash out for some food." She tells me,"There was over five hundred million dollars in our bank account Zoe. Can you believe that"

He already sent the money even though I hadn't forfilled my end of the dial yet. Does he trust me that much, or will he take it away if I leave.

"Don't dare tell anyone where the money came from mom. Pay the bills off and get some food for you and dad, " I tell her

"I will, honey, I love you," she says

"I love you too, and mom, save the rest just in case, ok?"


I hang up, standing from the bed. I'm in the process of making the bed when I hear the bathroom door open.

"We have someone that does that," Rafe says

I trun to him, going to say something, but my words get lost when I see that all he wears is a towel wrapped around his narrow waist. Every muscle in his toned body ripples as water dripplits slip down over them, making a path to the towel and then disappearing from my view. Damn him and his godlike looks. I feel my pink panties get wet just by his hot stare alone. Another towel in hand drying his dark wet chocolate hair. I wanted to lick up all the droplets. I bite down on my lip to stop myself from moaning out.

"You really shouldn't do that," Rafe says

My eyes find his fast as I bite down harder he steps into pulling my lip from my teeth. "I don't mind," I tell him in a whisper, "making the bed."

He smiles. "I don't need this getting back to mum,"

I roll my eyes "Fine I'll leave the bed making for someone else."

"I got you some clothes to fill the closet, by the way,"

I go over to the closet, opening it up. "Rafe, I can't." I start

"I need you.." he says

"I know to look the part. But this is too much. Are they on lone? " I ask, stepping into the closet

"No, they are yours. When you leave, you can take them with you," he tells me

"Thank you" I say looking at all the beautiful things he bought for me then going to the dresser in the back of the closet I open it sure enough it was full "Ok they are not going be looking at my bra and panties" I tell him

"I seen your panties last night" he tells me and as if I just remembered I only had a shirt on I tug it down "they are cute little hearts but I think you need something a little more sexy"

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