Bad Waters

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Rafe's POV
Four months after baby David was born, he was finally able to come home. He was breathing on his own and weights now 9 pounds and 19 ounces. It wasn't what they wanted him to weight but it was close. He was already holding his head up and had a strong grip.

Zoe was just excited about being able to bring him home and not have to have him on oxygen anymore. I had Maxwell and other guards redo one of our upstairs room truning into a nursery for David.

"Do you like it?" I ask Zoe as we stand inside the door of it

She holds David in her arms, refusing to put him down just yet. "I love it," she says

I kiss her temple. "Let him sleep, love," I tell her

"I don't wanna let him go,"

She snuggles close to him

"I know," I say, touching his little face. "But we can't hold him all the time," I tell her

She smiles, going over to the crib, and she lays him down gently. Snuggling him one more time. I pull her away into our own room.

"Come here" I tell her "listen" I say "his room is right next door and we have a baby monitor" I tell her showing her the screen we could see him sleeping "and listen" I trun the volume up.

We could hear his breathing she smiles "that's the sweetest sound in the world," she tells me.

I pull her into my arms. "Yes, it is," I say. "You want to know what the second sweetest sound is?" I ask her

"What?" she asks, her eyes come to mine. I kiss her lips softly

"You moaning my name," I tell her as I kiss her lips again, "begging for more."

She smiles. "I don't know if I can," she says

"Are you hurting?" I ask

"No," She says as my hands caress over her small frame

"Are you still bleeding?" I ask
She shakes her head. "I think you're safe then. It's been over six weeks. "

She smiles. "You're so impatient," she tells me

The monitor flickers and I glance up at it "What the fuck was that" I ask

"What" she asked looking where I am

David is still sound asleep the monitor flickers again. The screen goes black for a split second then comes back on. I release Zoe rushing into the hallway Zoe on my heels.

"Rafe" she calls out as I trun into the nursery I trun back to catch Zoe in my arms "No" She screams out

The crib empty except the blue blanket that was left. I rush through the door toward the stairs.

"Mrs Caroline" I call out

"Sir" she says from Mrs Stone room

"David have you got him" I ask

She shakes her head "No sir he was sleeping sir" she says

"Call the police" I tell her

"Where's my baby" Zoe crys "Rafe"

"Maxwell" I say as i deal his number

"Sir" He answers

"Get all security counted for" I tell him

"My baby" Zoe says

"Yes sir"

"Sir police are on their way" Mrs Caroline tells me

Moments later the whole police department is on my property searching the grounds. Zoe and I sit on the sofa in the living room talking to the lead instructor.

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