scrooge x female

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What if scrooge had another family member besides his sister Jen, or Henry, or even precious. Before Isabel had left scrooge. She had become pregnant with a sweet little girl.

The sweet girl being raised by Henry as Isabel had passed years before. She grew up in a in a rich and well mannered life with her cousin Henry. However she had been born with a weak immune system much like Jen had been. However she was clever and despite her weakness she remained kind and gentle.

This Christmas Henry needed her out of the house so he could prepare and have a party with friends. He didn't wish her to have trouble sleeping due to the adults noise. So he asked for scrooge to allow her to stay at his house for the night of Christmas eve.

Reluctantly scrooge agrees as it will give him reason for Henry to owe him. When the spirits came to take scrooge on his lessons she ends up waking up and walking in seeing the spirit of Christmas past.

The spirit decides to bring her along with them. As the look at the past she gets the chance to see her aunt who she never got to meet and who she shared his weak immune system with. And even got the change to see her mother Isabel and her father scrooge fall in love.

Scrooge couldn't help but look at his daughter when they had to see the memory of Jen and Isabel leaving.

When they meet the spirit of Christmas present. Scrooge gets a bit protective of his daughter. She However find the spirits singing and jolly personality silly. She grows sad for tiny Tim. Scrooge learns that she had been friends with tiny Tim and that they often spike together when they'd see eschother on walks.

By the time they met the spirit of Christmas future scrooge had unconsciously grown attached to his daughter. And when they had been chased by the spirit he holds her hand. And holds her close to his chest when they fall down the hole towards the casket.

When scrooge awakes he rushes to the room she had been allowed to stay in. When he sees her asleep he wakes her. She hugs him and asks if it had been a dream. Scrooge laughs and says no. Scrooge learns it's Christmas morning and cheerily with his daughter goes about making merry.

When they arrive at Henry house. She holds his hand to help his nerves as he asks if he may be allowed to stay for dinner. Henry and everyone laughs and welcomes him with open arms.

Will scrooge take custody of his daughter now? What will become of her and tiny Tim? Why did the spirits allow her to join?


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