ever after high x female

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What is the evil queen didn't just have one daughter but two? What is raven queen had a sister? This is the story of the second daughter of the evil queen and sister to raven queen.

It may be a suprise by raven queen has a sister. One who had always been distant and almost estranged to her. One thing the sisters do share is there reluctance to follow there fairytale destinies. While raven being first born is destined to be the next evil queen. Her sister is destined to be the next mother gothel. As the evil queen played the role as well.

Being acquaintances and somewhat friends with the o-hair twins she didn't want to be there villian. At least ge got to room with a good friend of hers dexter charming. Usually only girls dorm with girls and boys with boys. But due to them being best friends the headmaster permitted it. Seeing as neither were ever asked to room with anyone else.

Very few knew just how clever she really was beside dexter, lizzie, and kitty. Especially since she perfered being out of the spot light. When legacy day happens. She worries what will happen when she doesn't want to sign, but doesn't have to as raven runs off when she doesn't sign. Saving her from being the only one. She simply sneaks off before she could be called on to sign.

When true hearts day comes around she debates on attending. But in the end dexter asks her to come to help him ask raven for a dance. So she agrees as he is on of her only friends. She ends up being basically a wallflower. Until to her suprise daring and her end up dancing together. They learn that they actually have some things in common. And before the night ends they exchange heart blossoms. Under the lie that they didn't want to have to find someone to give them to.

When homecoming day arrives. She is tense but curious what gift her mother left for her. When she looks in her box which was next to ravens. She finds a simple red ribbon. Which she ties in her hair as a bow. She actually was happy about the gift suprised her mother would leave her something nice. Daring even comments how it suits her at the homecoming dance.

During spring unsprung. She ends up being affected by the riddle book. Making her be evil just like her mother. She helps apple block the well of wonder. But still seems to have care for daring. As she helps him during his scarey cat riddle curse. When the riddle is reversed. Daring seeks her out to thank her and ask if she was okay. Knowing how much she is afraid she will end up harming anyone like her mother had to so many fairytale stories.

When they travel to wonderland. Daring is more focused on finding her thand darling. Which makes dexter smile wondering if there is a chance daring liked her. In wonderland she mostly stays out of the way but ends up stepping up to help them pass their classes. And in order to save raven from having to sign she reveals she hadn't signed in her place on legacy day. And would now. The sisters sign and together get the real storybook of legends back. And end up destroying it. So everyone could choose there own destinies.

When the day comes for them to visit their mother she doesn't go with raven. And instead asks for raven to just tell their mother that she was busy. Raven did and to her suprise their mother seemed calm about it. When the new dragons are hatched. Daring is there to help her find her match. Even knowing she didn't wanna join the dragon games. He knew how much she likes dragons and had always wanted one like how raven had nevermore.

When raven storms off during the dragon games. She reluctantly steps in for queen snow whites team leader. And ends up winning the game for team light. After looking for daring only not to find him anywhere. Her and darling keep his mirror hoping to find him. When raven goes to hide in the woods she joins them. When Apple gets poisoned she isn't the only one as she dies as well. Both falling into a dream like sleep. Raven goes to side with their mother. But it's a lie as she plans to beat and catch their mother. When they manage to get daring out of the booking glass. They all tell him about apple and to wake her up. But dexter, lizzie, kitty, and darling all notice how he looks at raven sister who is also poisoned.

Daring still tries but it doesn't wake apple, but he seems no to suprised. In the end darling is the one who wakes apple and they all ride to help raven. Daring stays behind with her body. And ends up kissing her forehead waking her. They both say nothing and instead choose to ignore what happened and go to help. They end up helping catch the evil queen in the booking glass.

What will happen when everyone learns daring woke her? Will she follow her destiny? What will happen when she has to help get the roses of the seasons?


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