Updates and Pissed off.

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Okay so just letting you guys know I already have a day where I will be uploading a chapter.

It will be each Friday!  SO be expecting them! :D

Anyways I'm also mad because people commented on my story in the first chapter saying, stop wasting your time writing fan-fics.   Tell me when your writing a book that it is NOT a fan-fic, and I'll read it.

Okay first of all, I'm writing fan-fics because it's fun, and some people actually enjoy reading them.  If you have nothing nice to comment don't comment at all.  If I want to write a fan-fic, let me write a fan-fic. 

If you think I'm wasting my time, well thats your opinion.  I don't think I'm wasting my time at all because I'm doing this because it's fun and for my readers/fans.

Let me try to put this in a nice way....

Let me be.  Let me write a fan-fic.  It's  my option and not yours.  Why dont you haters just fuck off and stop posting hate comments.  It actually really does hurt my feelings.

(Ps.  I dont really cuss and when I'm do that really does mean I'm mad. )

I'm sorry to my supporters and readers that actually like reading this.  I love you! :D

Anyways.....Thats all I have to say.

Be expecting a chapter on Friday! :D

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