Chapter 30 Baby I'm Amazed

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Chapter 30


"This your room Paisley," I cooed as I walked into the bright, cheery space. She was quietly taking everything in with big, wide blue eyes. Our eyes were the exact same color, but her wispy blond curls a few shades lighter than mine, though my hair had gotten darker over the years. It was the coolest thing having that connection, one of the best (if only) gifts my mother ever gave me.

"I'll put her bags over here and we can put her things away later," Nico said from behind me.

"There's no rush since her room's stocked with everything she needs anyway," I reminded him.

"Except for Mr. Wiggles," he laughed as he pulled out a teddy bear wearing rainbow suspenders. Benji had gotten it for her the day he found out "we were expecting" as he kept referring to Paisley's pending arrival. It had been in her crib ever since and you could tell she really liked him. She'd stare at him and grab at him with her little fists.

"Mr. Wiggles," I snickered, "I don't think we should have let Benji name him."

"Mr. Wiggles is a great name!" Benji objected as he walked into the room, I hadn't realized he was within hearing distance. Benji and Ajax were waiting at the apartment when we returned and had decorated the living room with balloons and a welcome home sign. "When can I hold her?" he whined, "she has to get to know her favourite uncle!" We heard a loud 'hey!' from the other room.

"Let me change her diaper and then I'll bring her out to the living room and you and Ajax can do all sorts of uncle bonding," I promised.

"That's my cue to leave," he mumbled, heading back out the way he came in. "Uncle Benji doesn't do diapers."

"If you want to babysit like you keep insisting, you'd better learn," Nico called.

"What do you think Ajax is for?" We heard a shout from the living room, followed by a, "Hey! I was only kidding!" Nico and I smirked at each other, Benji and Ajax were always entertaining company.

Nico stepped forward to take Paisley, but I didn't want to get in the habit of letting him do everything. There would be times I'd be alone with her and I had to learn to be just as capable as he already was. "No, Nic, I got this," I said as I brought her to the changing table. He'd set it up already with a dispenser for diapers, wipes and the special cream to protect her skin very handy and even some little toys that would keep her distracted while we took care of business.

Fresh things like onesies and little shirts and soft pants were folded neatly on a shelf below in case anything was soiled, so you never had to step away while she was on the table. There was even a handy strap we would start using when she got more wiggly.

"I bet she's hungry, I'll go get a bottle ready while you're doing that," Nico suggested. I nodded and he went off to the kitchen.

"You're so lucky Baby Paisley," I cooed, "you have so many people who love you already. You're going to be so a good way though," I assured her. I got to my task, laying her down carefully on the padded changing table. "How did you get so beautiful," I asked in a silly voice, then laughed at myself. She clapped her hands and I'm pretty sure let out a little giggle; she definitely was smiling as she looked up directly into my eyes.

I talked to her the whole time telling her about all the fun things we would be doing, the park that was only a short walk from the apartment, Ajax and Benji's pool and all of our friends who couldn't wait to meet her. Pretty soon I was all done and carried her out to the living room where Nico met me with a fresh bottle.

"I need to go wash my hands, who wants to give her the bottle?" I asked the two uncles.

"I do!" Benji shouted before Ajax could even open his mouth. He just chuckled and nodded.

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