The Spot in One's Heart For Longing

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"After the cruel parting, ah-ah-ah
Tangled like a nightmare, ah-ah-ah
I can't forget it
Your last
Bitter words
Left behind like scars, ah-ah-ah
Above the night wounded by scars, nah-ah-ah
Wandering in search of you
The days
I'm trapped (Yeah, yeah)

All night, deep and painful
I'm entangled in longing (Oh)
Knowing I can't reach you
I call for you as if possessed
Beyond the darkness that left me behind
Scattered without a trace (scattered)
I'm not over you
I'm still the same"

Wang Fei's POV,

"...W...a...n...g....F.....e.....i.., Dr....W...ang, Wang Fei, wake up." Mr. Zhi's voice echoed in my ears as I opened my eyes. I saw several faces staring at me anxiously, waiting for me to wake up. Turning my head, I noticed a shadow of a man moving quickly from the door, his silhouette was the only thing visible.

"Are you fine now, Wang Fei?" asked Zhi Lian, his tone filled with concern.

"Yeah, I'm better now."

"The doctor mentioned low pressure and shock causing you to faint. You're advised to rest for almost a week," Zhi Lian explained.

"But I'm a doctor; how can I take such a long break?" I questioned Dr. Dylan, my colleague and senior. I was in the hospital where I worked.

"Dr. Wang, the supervisor insists on your rest. It's a paid leave. Just take it easy, eat fruits, vegetables, and avoid caffeine for the time being. Your parents know about your condition," Dr. Dylan reassured.

I nodded, surprised by the concern around me. Throughout my career, I had never taken a day off, not even returned home to Chongqing due to work.

"Thank you, doctor," I said, attempting to sit up.

"Dr Wang...." Zhi Lian was going to say something when a high pitched female voice shouting my name rushed inside. I knew very well who was that, "Oh not her again!!" I murmured to myself.

"Brother Fei are you okay? I heard you fainted, your parents called me and told me about your situation, I rushed here from airport. Why don't you take care of yourself? I have told you not to be so careless, why don't you eat properly??? Why?" Zhang Shuyi scolded me as she was panting and sweat popped on her face. I could see how much worried she became for me. She is my best friend as well as my sister. My father and her father are business partners. She is two years younger than me. I'm like her big brother so she loves me very much. She went to Germany 6 years ago to study Modern Physics. Now she is doing research on that particular subject. I was going to answer her but again I was cut down by her
"No, don't dare to talk after what you have done. You don't have any sense, you live here alone how could you be so irresponsible??"

"A-Shuyi I'm sorry, please don't scold me anymore. I will not do that again."
Till now Shuyi didn't notice Mr Lian, as she turned her face the other side he saw him and both said in unison "WHY ARE YOU HERE!!!"
Before Shuyi could speak further, Zhi Lian asked me, "Is Miss Zhang your girlfriend??"

"No, No she is my sister not by blood but her father and my father are business partners, they live in South Korea. So we are like brother and sister since childhood, but may I ask how do you know each other??"

"Wait! Wait! Let me explain Fei Gege" said Shuyi as she smiled mischievously

"Actually he was my senior in college, that's why we know each other but himm?"

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