There's No Turning Back

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Zhang Shuyi was engrossed in her studies when her phone began to ring persistently. Initially hesitant due to her aversion to unknown numbers, she eventually answered after the third call, saying, "Hello."

"Hello, am I speaking to Miss Zhang Shuyi?" the voice on the other end inquired.

Zhang Shuyi replied, "Yes, it's me. Who are you, mister?"

"I'm Zhi Xian, Zhi Lian's brother. We had a bit of a confrontation at the restaurant that day. You might remember me," he explained.

Zhang Shuyi acknowledged, "Yeah, I remember you."

Zhi Xian continued, "Miss Shuyi, can we meet today evening at the Brew Hub Cafe?"

Perplexed, Zhang Shuyi asked, "But why? I don't even know you properly."

"Just meet me once; I want to tell you something about Lian Gege. You need to know this. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but please meet me once," Zhi Xian implored.

After a moment of contemplation, Zhang Shuyi agreed, "Okay, text me the address. I'll meet you."

In the evening, Zhang Shuyi found herself at the Brew Hub Cafe, eagerly awaiting the arrival of Zhi Xian. As he walked in, she noticed a resemblance to Zhi Lian but with a youthful vibrancy. Zhi Xian, only 20 years old and currently studying at the university, greeted her with a polite smile.

"Miss Shuyi, I appreciate you meeting me," Zhi Xian began, taking a seat across from her.

Curiosity etched on her face, Shuyi responded, "So, what is it that you want to tell me about Zhi Lian?"

Zhi Xian took a deep breath before delving into the intricate story of Zhi Lian's past. "You see, our family faced some hardships from an early age. Zhi Lian lost our mother during his childhood. Despite being quite young, he became remarkably mature, taking on responsibilities far beyond his years."

Shuyi listened intently, realizing there was more to Zhi Lian than met the eye.

"Our father did his best to look after us, but life took another cruel turn. He died in a car accident, leaving Zhi Lian to shoulder the burden of responsibility entirely on his own."

Shuyi could sense the weight of Zhi Lian's struggles, and it explained his reserved demeanor and constant preoccupation with work.

"Zhi Lian is dedicated to his career, but it comes at a cost. He sees nothing beyond work, and he's been hesitant to get close to anyone, especially romantically," Zhi Xian continued.

Zhang Shuyi was growing more empathetic with each word, realizing the depth of the challenges Zhi Lian had faced.

"Moreover," Zhi Xian hesitated before revealing, "He lost his faith in happiness, in relationships, after all that happened. It's not that he doesn't like you; in fact, he's quite fond of you. But he's afraid to bring anyone close, fearing he might lose them too."

Shuyi felt a mix of emotions - empathy for Zhi Lian's pain, sadness for the losses he endured, and a newfound understanding of the man she cared for.

"Zhi Xian, I had no idea he went through so much. It explains a lot about his behavior," Shuyi admitted, her concern evident.

Zhi Xian nodded, "He's carrying a heavy burden on his shoulders. And lately, it's been even tougher for him. He rejected you that day not because he didn't like you, but because he felt he couldn't give you the happiness you deserve."

Moved by the revelation, Shuyi expressed, "I had no clue. I thought he didn't want anything serious, but now I understand. He's been through so much pain."

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