The Agony of Parting With the One You Love

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"Are you feeling the rush?
If so, then I think I know what's going on
And are we falling in love?
Say yes or no, yes or no, yes or no
Are you thinking 'bout us? ('Bout us)
If so, then I think I know what's (Know what's) going on
And are we falling in love?
Say yes or no, yes or no, yes or no"


The neon lights of the bar flickered in the late evening as Zhang Shuyi made her way across the street, returning from college. The muffled sounds of laughter and clinking glasses spilled into the cool night air. As she approached the entrance, she caught sight of Zhi Lian, sitting alone at the bar, lost in his own thoughts.

Concern etched across her face, Shuyi pushed open the door, the warm hum of the place embracing her. He looked up, his eyes a mix of surprise and something deeper. Shuyi took a seat next to him, "Lian, what are you doing here all by yourself?"

Zhi Lian glanced at her, a hint of a smile playing on his lips, "Just drowning my thoughts in this bottle."

Concern deepened in Shuyi's eyes, "Is everything okay?"

He shrugged, taking a sip from his glass, "Nothing's ever okay, Shuyi. Life's just a series of twists and turns."

The air became heavy with unspoken words as Shuyi struggled to find the right thing to say. His eyes glazed with the effects of alcohol, suddenly pointed a finger towards her, "Nothing can happen between us, you know?"

Shuyi, surprised, raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean, Lian?"

"Nothing can happen between Zhang Shuyi and me!" He repeated, leaning closer, his tone a mix of overjoyed and sad.

Confusion etched across Shuyi's face as his attempt to kiss her turned into a comical struggle, ending with him unconscious, midway. She couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the moment.

The next morning, Zhi Lian woke up with a pounding headache and a sense of embarrassment lingering from the previous night's antics. He couldn't bring himself to call Shuyi, his own actions leaving him feeling shy and awkward.

Days passed, and Shuyi, decided to visit his college. She found him immersed in his teaching, a mask of concentration on his face. She waited until his class was over. As te class finished ,With a flower ring in hand, Shuyi approached him, "Zhi Lian, do you like me? Because I still like you."

Zhi Lian looked up, surprise flickering in his eyes as he didn't accept the flower ring

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Zhi Lian looked up, surprise flickering in his eyes as he didn't accept the flower ring.

"I like you too, from the very beginning Shuyi, but I can't enter a relationship. Sorry."

Confused, Shuyi asked, "Why not?"

Zhi Lian sighed, his gaze drifting away, "I'm an orphan. Both of my parents passed away, you know that. There are already too many rumors about me, and I don't want to drag you into that mess. Your father is rich, and you know what kind of rumors they'll create if we date."

Shuyi's eyes softened with understanding, "Lian, I don't care about rumors or your past. I like you for who you are."

ZL, his expression a mix of gratitude and regret, placed a hand on hers, "Shuyi, you deserve better. I can't let my baggage weigh you down."

As Shuyi left the college, she couldn't shake the feeling of wanting to break down the walls he had built around himself. The complexities of his past and the rumors surrounding him created a barrier he was unwilling to breach. Yet, the spark between them refused to be extinguished entirely, leaving Shuyi torn between her feelings and the harsh realities Zhi Lian faced.
The city street was buzzing with activity as Zhang Shuyi strolled past, the distant hum of traffic and city life filling the air. A glance through the glass of a nearby restaurant caught her attention, and her steps slowed as she recognized Zhi Lian amidst a chaotic scene. Zhi Lian, involved in a heated scuffle with a young man, drew Shuyi's concern. Without a second thought, she rushed into the restaurant, determined to help. As she approached, she could see the tension in his face, his fists clenched."What's going on here?" Shuyi questioned, her eyes darting between Zhi Lian's and the young man. He, with a mix of frustration and concern, snapped, "Shuyi, it's my brother. He got drunk, and I'm just trying to get him home."

Shuyi's initial worry shifted to bewilderment, "Your brother? Why are you fighting then?"

Zhi Lian sighed, running a hand through his disheveled hair, "He can be a handful, especially when he's had a few too many. I'm just trying to keep him out of trouble."

As the realization sank in, Shuyi nodded, "Oh, I see. Well, let me help then."
Zhi Lian, still visibly irritated, reluctantly agreed, and together they managed to calm down his brother. The three of them left the restaurant, and as they reached the fresh air outside, hiss brother mumbled his thanks before stumbling away into the night. Shuyi turned to him, concern etched on her face, "Lian, is everything okay?"

Zhi Lian, his frustration lingering, shook his head, "Yeah, just family drama. Thanks for your help, Shuyi."
But before they could part ways, Shuyi couldn't hold back her feelings any longer, "Lian, I really like you. Can't you see that? I care about you a lot."
His expression tightened, his fists clenching again. "Miss Zhang Shuyi, I appreciate your concern, but I can't date you. Hope you'll understand and not reach out anymore. You don't have to be so concerned about me."

Shuyi, taken aback by the abruptness of his words, felt a lump forming in her throat. "Lian, I just want to be there for you. Why are you pushing me away?"

Zhi Lian, in his tone firm, replied, "It's complicated, Shuyi. Trust me, it's for the best."With those words, Zhi Lian walked away, leaving Shuyi standing there, a whirlwind of emotions churning within her. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized the depth of the barriers he had erected around himself.

 Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized the depth of the barriers he had erected around himself

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Author's Note,Please vote comment and follow me if you liked this chapter

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Author's Note,
Please vote comment and follow me if you liked this chapter. This chapter is kinda short, so don't mind.
Sorry for any typos 😬

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