I Know It's Over

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Wang Fei, feeling a mix of emotions, returned to his city after that tumultuous weekend. The absence of Shi Ying cast a shadow over his daily routine. School resumed, and exams became the focal point of his attention. Immersed in his studies, Wang Fei attempted to bury the memories of that weekend and the unresolved feelings with Shi Ying.

Meanwhile, Shi Ying, back in his own space, grappled with the consequences of his actions. He chose to retreat without informing Wang Fei, leaving the door open for Fei to decide whether forgiveness and reconciliation were possible.

Days turned into weeks, and both Wang Fei and Shi Ying navigated their separate lives. Wang Fei's focus on academics provided a temporary distraction, yet the void left by Shi Ying lingered
Over time, Wang Fei threw himself into his studies, focusing on the upcoming exams, while Shi Ying delved into his work and research.

Wang Fei found himself engrossed in textbooks, trying to divert his thoughts from the lingering memories of Shi Ying. As the exams concluded, the weight of the academic workload lifted, but Wang Fei couldn't shake off the longing for Shi Ying. A sense of emptiness crept in, and he decided to reach out, attempting to call Shi Ying. However, every attempt ended with the same message – "The number you are trying to reach is unavailable."

Wang Fei, consumed by missing Shi Ying, decided to wait for him outside his college. As the clock struck 5 in the evening, Shi Ying emerged from the college gates, but his usual vibrant smile seemed replaced by a subtle sadness."Gege!" Wang Fei shouted, trying to catch Shi Ying's attention.

Shi Ying, caught off guard, turned around, and their eyes met. Wang Fei hurriedly ran towards him, reaching out and grabbing Shi Ying's hand. "Wait, Shi Ying Gege!"

"A-Fei... you," Shi Ying responded, a mix of surprise and joy evident in his eyes. Wang Fei observed the tiredness reflected in Shi Ying's eyes, hinting at sleepless nights."Why are you here all of a sudden?" Shi Ying asked.

"I want to talk to you, Gege," Wang Fei expressed sincerely

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"I want to talk to you, Gege," Wang Fei expressed sincerely.

Shi Ying, with a sense of satisfaction, said, "It feels like ages since I heard the word 'Gege' from you. Let's go somewhere and talk."

They decided to settle in a nearby cafe, the ambiance filled with the murmur of conversations and the aroma of brewing coffee. Wang Fei, breaking the silence, admitted he might have gone overboard and expressed his desire for forgiveness. He confessed how much he missed Shi Ying during this time. Shi Ying, willing to make amends, promised, "I will change, A-Fei. I'll be the person you want me to be, and I won't do anything to hurt you again."

As Wang Fei sipped his coffee, he hesitated before speaking, "Shi Ying Gege, I've been thinking. Maybe I was too harsh on you."

Shi Ying, his eyes reflecting a mix of relief and regret, replied, "I understand, A-Fei. I messed up, and I've been regretting it ever since."

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