Happiness, Sadness Pity and Joy

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"A snow field that nobody stepped on
A dream that you don’t wanna wake up from
You came up to me like that so tender
Don’t you ever disappear
The cheeks of a newborn baby
Got that feeling when you touch me
I know it’s a butterfly on a flower
But that feeling is forever"

Zhang Shuyi's POV,

So, you know, diving into this whole unrequited love thing has been a rollercoaster, a real ride of emotions that just echoes in my soul, you know? Picture this: dreams painting these romantic scenes in my head, like we'd be weaving this eternal love story together. But, hey, reality doesn't exactly stick to the script of fairy tales.

Zhi Lian, this guy, he's this kind of enigmatic force that just wove himself into the fabric of my heart from the get-go. Sounds poetic, right? But here's the twist - he's stuck in the friend zone. Like, we're pals, but he's not really feeling anything beyond that. The whole love thing? Nah, not for him and guess what we didn't talk for years.

Now, keeping all of this under wraps, Wang Fei, my buddy, remains blissfully clueless. I don't spill the beans, don't want to add more weight to his struggles. He caught up in his own mess with Professor Shi Ying, is a whole drama himself. I figure, let's not stir that pot.

Thought lost contact with Zhi Lian forever, but bam! He showed up at the hospital that day, breathing new life into my world. Suddenly, there's this hope, this spark that says, "Okay, time for answers." So, armed with determination, I'm like, "Let's get to the bottom of this." The pending chat with Zhi Lian? It's promising closure - either we're diving into some mutual affection or accepting that maybe we're not on the same page. It's like this heartbeat waltz, you know?


"Can you help me with this?" I asked, my inquiry hanging in the air, a delicate bridge between uncertainty and the promise of understanding.

"Yes," Zhi Lian replied, his response a reassuring melody that danced through the ambiance of the college canteen. Seated across from each other, the mundane surroundings transformed into the backdrop of a serendipitous encounter.

As he delved into the explanation, time became an inconsequential companion, allowing me the luxury of admiring the symphony of features that adorned his face - a canvas of uniqueness that drew my gaze with an enchanting allure. His lips, a testament to the poetry of every word he spoke, held a certain irresistibility that lingered in the air, inviting contemplation.

In the midst of academia's realm, he became my inadvertent Prince Charming. Our connection, forged in the crucible of persistent companionship, blossomed from our initial encounter to the canteen rendezvous where intellectual exchange became a daily ritual. Though reluctant at first, my persistent presence wore down the walls, and he, in turn, acknowledged the kinship that had silently formed.

Amidst bites of lunch and sips of conversation, physics emerged as our shared language. Zhi Lian, a devotee of knowledge, unfolded the complexities of the subject with passion. His commitment to study transformed every encounter into a glimpse of his scholarly dedication, painting an aura of admiration around him.

With a pause in his explanations, he pivoted his gaze towards me. Caught in the unguarded moment, my reverie was disrupted by the realization that I, too, had become the subject of observation. In that delicate exchange of glances, the canteen transformed into a sanctuary where the threads of connection wove a tale of friendship, whispered through the unspoken language of shared moments and stolen gazes.
In the twilight of whispered confessions, his words echoed in the quietude, "Are you even listening?" My smile, a carefully crafted façade, adorned my lips as I responded, "Yes! You're so Genius Zhi Gege. You can be a teacher, not a teacher, a professor even!"

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