004 - The Hustle Life

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Basketball practice was long and tiring. When Naomi walked out of the gym, she felt like puking during their break.

She walked to the hall where she and Jaemin bid goodbye earlier and she bent over her knees, basically gagging from how sick she felt.

She still had a half hour of practice left. She was sure she was gonna puke.

"Holy shit... I forgot how hard those drills are.."

Naomi mumbled and she hobbled over to the trashcan and spit into it. A dry ass chuckle was heard behind her.

She turned her head and saw Jaemin and Jeno walk out together, it looked like Jeno had to fill his water bottle.

Jaemin noticed Naomi and waved at her.

"Hey, Naomi! Are you feeling alright?"

Naomi chuckled a bit before she gagged slightly but this time at the severe male body odor coming her way.

"Just a little sick, you know how it is"

Naomi said and Jaemin chuckled, lifting his shirt to wipe his forehead.

"Dude, literally pull your shirt down, nobody cares you're ripped"

Naomi said and she laughed when Jaemin started looking sad.

"You don't care"

Jaemin teased and Naomi shook her head as a 'no'. She finally got up fully to her feet and she grabbed her water bottle that had been in front of her this entire time.

She then realized Jeno hadn't said anything this entire time until now.

"You should put a shirt on. Nobody likes a girl running around in a pair of shorts and a sports bra. It makes them look like a whore"

Jeno said as he passed Naomi who scoffed and snapped back at Jeno.

"I'm so fucking sick of your attitude! Make it change or I'll make sure Professor Kim doesn't let you pass his class"

Jeno smirked and he turned back and walked back to Naomi. The girl started to back up the closer Jeno got until her back pressed against a wall.

"If I don't pass, we don't pass. If we don't pass then you have to retake his class too..."

Jeno looked Naomi up and down. The smirk on his lips growing wider.

"No freshman wants to retake a class with either of us and..."

The way Naomi's eyes focused and narrowed on Jeno's facial features. Jeno stopped talking. Just stared at Naomi's lips for a minute before he chuckled.


Jeno said and finally walked back to the gym. By then Jaemin was shipping the two and shookith on top of it all.

"What just happened??"

Naomi shook her head and sighed, taking a drink of her water.

"Just Jeno being a dick to me, per usual, I'll see you later Jaemin"

Naomi said and went back to what little time was left of practice.


When Naomi was done. She was outside the athletic building and she was in a crop top and a pair of leggings. She dropped everything off and changed when she went to practice.

Naomi was shivering a bit. She was waiting for Jinx because they were supposed to go get food and meet up with a couple of their friends who went to a different college.

Naomi heard footsteps behind her. She thought it was Jinx so she turned but was disappointed when she only saw Jeno.

She sighed and turned back around, rubbing her cold arms. Jeno walked for a minute before he stopped. He wanted to keep walking but he saw how cold Naomi was.

He grunted and cursed under his breath. He fixed his backpack on his shoulder and his basketball practice bag on the other shoulder. He looked at the hoodie in his hands and he sighed.

He turned around and walked back to Naomi and she jumped a bit when the hoodie was shoved in front of her.

Naomi slowly turned her head to be met with a blank face Jeno who swayed the hoodie in his hand.

Jeno wanted Naomi to take the hoodie. Eventually, she did and she bowed her head.

He finally turned around and left. Naomi found this weird but she didn't try to comment on it. She looked at the hoodie before she put it on, getting embraced by the scent of Jeno's raspberry-scented cologne.

Soon enough Jinx finally joined her with a sigh.

"This Professor never stops talking"

"Who? Professor Yoon?"

Naomi asked and looked at Jinx who nodded at her and then she smirked.

"Who's hoodie is that?"

Naomi felt her cheeks heat up and she shook her head.

"It's just a friend"

Friends? Seriously? She couldn't come up with something different?

"Yeah sure, Lee on the sleeve and Jeno on the back... I thought you two hated each other?"

"We do!"

Naomi blurted out and she sighed.

"He saw I was cold and he gave me his hoodie, he wasn't taking no for an answer"

"I don't care enough anyways... let's go!"

And with that, the two girls set off to meet with their friends.


Jeno sighed and dropped his bag on the floor. He slumped down in an armchair and covered his face, taking the lecture from his younger roommate Jisung.

"Do you know how much drama that's gonna stir up when people see Naomi... Nakamoto Naomi? Former graduate Nakamoto Yuta's sister has Lee Jeno's hoodie. You my guy are in such deep shit when word gets out"

"I'll get it back from her tomorrow!"

"I hope so because you're putting Naomi's reputation and yours at risk and then every girl will go after her"

Jeno sat up and finally looked at Jisung.

"I've seen Naomi in a fistfight before, she wins every single time... she's not scared of anyone or anything... she's fearless"

"Oh, don't go defending the girl you hate!"

"I'm not!"

Jeno snapped back and stood up, walking away to his bedroom to reflect on himself.

Jeno snapped back and stood up, walking away to his bedroom to reflect on himself

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