006 - Ferris Wheel Feelings

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"You've gone on so many rides and you still wanna go on more?"

Jeno asked as Naomi dragged him to the one ride she wanted to go on before they had to go meet back up with Jaemin and Jinx.

"Please Jeno? One more ride is all I ask... I wanna go on the Ferris wheel!"

Naomi begged until Jeno agreed to go on the Ferris wheel with her.

"Fine but after this we have to go find Jinx and Jaemin"


Naomi and Jeno finally were able to get on the Ferris wheel that was slow going up but it was extremely calming for the both of them who were just trying to have fun.

Jeno had two plush cats in his hands that he had won and he stared at the two before setting them on the floor of the cart they were in to empty his hands.

"I had a lot of fun today Naomi"

That was unexpected for Naomi to hear Jeno say. She stopped looking at the sunset and looked at Jeno instead. She showed him a smile.

"Me too Jeno... it was a blast to see past our differences for one day to see how much we have in common"

Jeno nodded and as they got higher he felt a breeze and he sighed, looking at the sunset which made Naomi do the same.

"Amazing view of Seoul"

Jeno said and Naomi hummed, nodding in agreement.

"It's my biggest reason for loving the Ferris wheel so much... the view is beautiful..."

Naomi said softly. There was a sparkle in her eyes as she watched the sunset still. Jeno glanced at her and his head kept telling him to do something he would regret.

They reached the top of the Ferris wheel and Naomi looked at Jeno who had been just staring at her.

She felt her cheeks start to heat up which made her face look extremely red.

"Have you..."

Jeno sighed a bit and scratched the back of the head.

"Have you ever wanted to do something, knowing you'll regret it because you knew it was gonna be awkward after?"

"Well... coming from the famous player Jeno, that's kinda shocking to hear"


Jeno said softly and chuckled before he sighed again.

"Do you think it would make our project awkward?"


Naomi asked and Jeno leaned forward and he gave a tiny smile.


Jeno simply said and he put his hand on the back of her neck to bring her closer before he pressed his lips on hers.

She didn't know how to respond to the kiss. Does she kiss back? Does she push him away? Slap him?

Fuck it. That's what Naomi said and she gave in, kissing Jeno back. She knew later she was going to regret it so what was the point of getting in too deep with Lee Jeno?

Their lips were in sync with each other. They knew it was wrong. They didn't want any strings attached. They felt it was gonna be awkward.

Jeno finally pulled away and he rested his forehead against Naomi's, waiting for her to open her eyes.

Naomi finally opened her eyes to be looking into Jeno's.

"Jeno I..."

"I know... no strings attached... most girls just find it... attractive... to kiss at the top of the Ferris wheel"

Attractive? Try saying romantic. She sighed and she leaned back, Jeno tilted his head.

"You didn't like it?"

"I never said that"

Naomi said and lifted her head to look at Jeno. A soft spot for the person she hated the most was developing and she hated it.

"Let's just forget about this, it never happened"

Naomi then said and Jeno nodded.


Jeno didn't want to admit it. He finally had a soft spot for Naomi and he had issues with himself.


Once they got off the Ferris wheel Jeno looked at the two plushes he had and he gave one to Naomi.

"It wouldn't be fair that I have two and you have none"

Naomi looked at Jeno and she smiled, taking the stuffed cat and holding it in her hands as they walked towards the front gates.

"Thank you, Jeno"

"For what?"

"For... for convincing me to tag along with you guys today"

Jeno hummed and nodded.

"I'd do it with anyone so long as I didn't have to third wheel"

Ouch. That one hurt Naomi but she smiled it off. Once she saw Jinx in sight, she ran over and showed Jinx the cat with a smile on her face, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"Jeno won two of them and he gave one to me"

"Oh~ does someone have a crush?"

Naomi frowned at her best friend and she scoffed, rolling her eyes.


Jinx laughed and linked arms with Naomi and they walked out of the gates and to where Jaemin was waiting.

"You all ready to go?"

Jaemin asked and Jinx nodded, letting go of Naomi and grabbing onto Jaemin's hand with a smile.

Naomi envied what Jinx had with Jaemin. Jaemin was a good guy. She was just worried she was gonna get too attached to Jeno before their project was over.

Naomi watched the two start walking and Jeno stepped by her side and pat her back.

"Let's go"


They got back to campus where Jinx and Jaemin had disappeared a while ago. Jeno walked Naomi to her dorm and soon they stood in front of her dorm door.

"Hey so... about the project"

"We can't do tomorrow because of our basketball games"

Naomi said and Jeno nodded and chuckled.

"You read my mind, but we can still figure it out"

Naomi nodded and she unlocked her door, opening it she looked at Jeno and flashed a smile.

"I'll see you tomorrow"

Jeno nodded his head again and he flashed a small smile.

"Yeah... I'll see you tomorrow"

Jeno started walking away before Naomi had a chance to ask if he wanted his sweater back again. She sighed and went inside, closing and locking the door behind her.

"What the fuck did I do...?"

She said and looked at the cat in her hand before throwing it across the room.

She said and looked at the cat in her hand before throwing it across the room

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