Chapter Three [Pic of Kevin]

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Yeah so it’s been two whole weeks since this fool started at my school now, and you’ll never believe that he won’t leave me alone. I’ve gotten a detention like everyday this week just because of him KMT, I’m actually pissed off. Melody and Aziah seem to think we have something going on :| No. But I seriously think he’s trying to piss me off now, what the hell is wrong with this dude?! Can you believe that he thinks we’re ‘best buddies’ his words not mine, what wasteman. He’s even been at the gates every morning waiting for me to come in  and then tells Ms Stuart that I was bullying him. WTF how am I mean to bully him and his lanky self, he’s not even lanky yeah, but that’s not the point, what else am I supposed to say. The way she just believes him because she doesn’t like me anyway. He’s taking it too far now! Seriously, yesterday this fool was poking me for a whole double lesson. You have no idea how much it took for me not to just scream at him there and then KMFT! Am I a flipping Facebook profile for you to be poking me? NO. What an idiot!

Anyway enough of that fool, so it’s Friday now. Thank God! :D This means I get to go see my dad. After begging for months, literally, my mum has finally decided to let me see him. I LOVE my dad; I swear he treats me like a princess :D there was a time when things weren’t so good between us but now it’s like he’s trying to make up for those years. Anyway I haven’t been allowed to see him in ages L so I’m uber excited!

Argh this day ahs been dragging on for so long though, but I’m finally in my last lesson so I’m happs. I dunno who decided to put science as the last lesson on a Friday, that just makes no sense to me. I swear this school is just trying to piss me off. To make things worse I’m stuck with this BEG Traevon sitting next to me trying to make conversation like we’re friends :| Like every teacher hasn’t been shouting at me all day because of his foolishness!

“Will you give me your number now?” he asked for the 50th time today, I’m not even exaggerating! This boy just never gives up

“Nope” I said popping the p. I’ve been giving him the same answer for the past two weeks and he’s still asking me. He sighed trying to look upset, I tried not to laugh he looked so stupid but kinda cute (He doesn’t need to know that).

“Aww come on man,” he begged “I even have credit, how many black boys do you know that have credit these days seriously!” I couldn’t help it I burst out laughing, he’s actually funny. The whole class turned to us and I looked down trying to act casual. This fool was going to get me in trouble again.

“See I even made you laugh” he boasted grinning literally from ear to ear, what a weirdo. I had to give in because I can’t stand another week of this, he’s just so annoying.

“Fine” I looked down and started to write it down on a piece of paper, I gave it to him and he looked so shocked I couldn’t help but smile, looking at him with his one dimple under his right eye. I know right, who has one dimple? Underneath their eye, see what I mean, he’s just weird.

“Are you serious?” he looked at me then at the paper then back at me again “Thank You!” he started doing some kind of victory dance. LOSER! I just laughed and went back to my work. “Hold up, this best not be the number for the Chinese shop or something” he looked at me with his eyebrows raised. Seriously, why the hell would I know the number to the Chinese shop off by heart? I just shook my head and carried on working. We stayed in silence for like 2 minutes.

Then he decided to pass me a piece of paper folded up neatly, I unfolded it :| all it said was ‘Hiii! :D’ WTF. I just looked at him and wrote back. ‘U loser! I’m trying to work man leave me alone’ I passed it back to him. I saw him read it and chuckle with his deep voice, so HOT! But anyways, he passed me the paper back. ‘If ure reli workin, why u replyin den *raised eyebrow*’ LOL this fool actually wrote raised eyebrow, what an idiot! I was about to reply when I felt someone behind me, I turned around slowly trying to hide the paper in my hand. All I see is Mr Prince standing over me with his hands folded across his chest, Damn! Caught again, I heard Traevon chuckle next to me ¬¬

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