Chapter Twelve - Way back when

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So this week has been very emotional! I mean the first week in July and 6 people have already died and do you wanna guess how? Knifes! Fucking Knifes! I do not and will probably NEVER understand how a human being could take another fellow human beings life. Does it not go through your mind that you are taking a life … innocent or not it is not and will never be justifiable! I heard somewhere that a soldier said that every time he took a lie, he felt part o his soul die, is that what these people want. These cold blooded killers, whether it was just one person, you lose that bit of humanity in you and it WILL add up.

It hurts to think that 3 o these people were under the age of 17. That’s three people that probably never got to see their A-Level or GCSE results, whether they worked hard for it or not. They will never know, we will never know. *sigh* and you know what the worst thing is, I only know of ONE of these six, and frankly I wouldn’t even know of the rest if I didn’t get a broadcast message on my blackberry.

It just isn’t right, yeah I know there’s not much we can do now their already gone … but we could always try. Try to prevent this again. Try to fight what seems inevitable and destined to take the lives of our youth. Even if it’s just letting people know, making sure that people know the pain and heartache that these 6 people’s families and friends are feeling right now. I think most of us, if not all, know what it feels like to lose someone. No matter how close you were to that person, it still burns a hole I your soul … leaves and empty space in your heart that once filled that will now never be filled like it once was. Knowing that you will NEVER see that person again.

So this chapter is dedicated to Yemz … The only boy that died that I actually know his name/ tag. Stabbed in his neck and bleed to death … it hurts doesn’t I, knowing that he just laid there on the pavement and bleed … to death. Imagine that … imagine someone you love with all your heart lying on a pavement bleeding to death. Knowing that they would die but not being able to change their fate, not given the chance for last words, last hugs, nothing. Think of his mum, she was probably at home not even leaving a second to think anything like that was happening to her son as he just laid there and died. Her ONLY son. Do you wanna know why he was killed? Because of ‘beef’ between his school and another. Now is it me, or is that just not a valid reason for taking his life. I don’t think there is ever a valid reason to take someone’s life, but let’s be real for a second, because he goes to a school you don’t like you feel it’s right for you to take his life.

I didn’t even know him, but from the way my friends have been talking about I actually wish I did. He was apparently a beautiful person, inside and out, and he was smart so he must have had dreams of what he wanted to become … but now we’ll never know what he could’ve been because another soul has been taking away from us. I think about the grief his family and friends have to suffer through now and it hurts me because I know what it’s like to lose someone so dear to your heart. I can’t even begin to imagine the pain a mother goes through after losing her child, not to think of her only child.

So again, I dedicate this to the people that died AND those that have ever lost someone. Knife crime is NOT a joke … yeah we hear this all the time but you don’t really know the massive effect it has on people’s lives until you lose someone to it. I don’t either, but from the way I see people struggling day in and day out to deal with their loss … I honestly don’t want to. Sounds selfish, but it’s the truth. I don’t want to feel like that … ever. All we can really do is be mindful and pray for these souls.

I’m bare emotional right now so I’ll just say … RIP to the souls lost.

RIP Yemz :’(

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