Chapter Four [Pic of Mario]

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Traevon’s P.O.V

I continued to walk up the hill towards my house with the biggest smile on my face. I must look like some TOP neek! LOL but I don’t care. Im definitely going to get with her, no not asexually. I know what you must be thinking, ‘Aww Traevon’s such a sweet boy’ Nar never that! But true say I have never been in a relationship before and we all know I aint no virgin. I mean look at me, lol I’m joking, I aint that vain, but seriously, I’ve always said to myself ‘I don’t need a girl as long as I get that good beat from just another sket, its all bless.’ On a level though, I can get a wifey any day without a day, I just haven’t found one that’s worth it yet. With all these skets tryna act up these days you never really know who’s real and gonna be your ride or die.

That’s why all this confuses the sh*t out of me, how can I be feeling like this after just two weeks with her. Its not even two weeks, from the day I saw her there was just something about her. I mean who practically starts a fight over a chair, that sh*t’s not normal. I don’t know whats wrong with me anymore, it makes no sense. Maybe she’s done some kind of juju on me cos u know she’s Nigerian, she would kill me if I ever said that to her so shh.

Its not even her beauty, don’t get me wrong my girl is hella fine. Just the way her eyes seem to glisten when she laughs or just flashes those perfect teeth. Or even the cute way her nose flares when she gets angry and screws me. Damn! Have you heard that Neyo song ‘When You Mad’? Listen to that ASAP, I swear that’s exactly how I feel about her. Just that little wrinkle on her nose when she makes that angry face. Dang! She’s too sexy, beautiful even and I don’t say that to girls, the best thing is that she doesn’t even know it. The thing that just draws me to her so much is that smile, not that fake one that even her friends don’t notice she puts on. The real one that just makes my day and I know that I’m the one making her that happy.

From the first we caught each others eyes, I swear its was like time just stopped as I took in every detail and she did the same. Neither of us even tried to hide it. I know she wont admit it willingly but she felt it too, I could see it in her eyes because I felt the exact same thing. I don’t know how to explain it, its just like our bodies were meant to meet and be together. Then the way she shouted at me and looked like she wanted to kill me when I was sitting in her seat. Seriously, I know I was wrong but I just felt to piss her off more, just to see what she would do. There’s me thinking she would just leave and go sit some where else or start flirting with me like the other dumb skets in the class. Nar not my Naveah, she stood her ground and sure she was heard. Yes, she is my Naveah and I wont let her slip through my fingers like everyone else.

I’m still so baffled; I don’t even know what love is. Would it even be possible to be in love with someone after just two weeks of being together? I just know that there is something special about her. Everytime I see her I cant help but smile, that cheesy smile that I know she loves. Jheeze my girls bare got me on some sweet boy tip.

We all know a player don’t ever get played by anyone, Standard! But even I have to admit it, I’m scared. I’m scared to love, not just her but anyone because I don’t know who’s going to just up and leave me again. Truss its hard letting someone in and then they just walk all over you and leave like you’re not worth anything. But I dunno why I cant help but think differently about Naveah, there’s just something about her that interests me. I dunno whats going on with her always has that slight sadness in her eyes. I know something’s wrong, but you know that feeling you get when you know something’s wrong with someone but you just don’t want to piss them off. Like just when we were walking and the song Mad by Neyo came on she just changed, how am I meant to talk to her when I just see her looking so sad and scared and then she switches like she forgets about that wall she thinks she has to keep up with people. It’s weird. Something is wrong, I just wish I knew what because at this point I would do anything for her just to smile and be able to tell me what is honestly wrong with her.

I finally got home after like 20 minutes, yeah I was walking that slow. Had a lot of thinking to do man. I opened my door and walked in, as usual no one was in. I aint gonna get excited because true say I’ve always got a free yard so what’s the point. Then I realized I can call her now :D LOL I’m bare getting excited. I don’t care this girl made me wait for long, seriously if the number was that hard to get then yeah, I will get excited. I might as well bell her now aliee? I quickly got changed into my black addidas tracksuit bottoms and vest in the Jamaican colours «Dun Noe!! Nothing special though but the swagga was still in check Ya Zimme!

I called her number bare happs «Don’t watch that ;)

Then what I heard slapped the grin off my face. I got confused, my girl sounded like she was crying, hold on don’t get me mad! Who’s making my girl cry? Then she started begging for help, I dunno what was happening to her but I froze, she started begging me to get Mario and help her. I aint even gonna front I was shook. Then she said the one thing that scared the life out of me, the one thing that I never wanted to hear again. “I don’t want to die!” I felt the single tear roll down my cheek, I felt every single drop of her pain but I didn’t know how to stop it. Serious Déjà-vu! Then I heard someone shouting “Who’s on the phone? You stupid girl” the  next thing I heard kicked me off my bed, literally! I just heard her scream so loud my heart skipped a beat and that’s all I heard…

“Naveah?” I finally found the courage to speak “Can you hear me?” I called into the phone hopelessly, I heard just a deafening silence as the phone cut off.

That’s when I realized what was happening, my girl was in trouble and I was still standing in my room like a wasteman. There’s no way I’m letting someone else in my life go. I grabbed my black hoody and airforces and ran out of the house with my keys as I dialed Mario’s number. He picked up “Get to Naveah’s house NOW!” I shouted, he didn’t ask questions. “I’m on my way.” That’s all he said as he cut off the phone like he knew what was happening.

I banged on the door across the road, my twin cousins house, Shad and Isaiah. I banged on the door so hard my knuckles hurt, I had a feeling I needed to get there fast. They opened the door and saw my face and knew something was wrong.

“Someone’s trying to kill her” I rushed “I need your help” they both looked at each other and with their shoes ran out with me. They didn’t ask questions, that’ why I loved my cousins, always there at the right time when I need them. I ran down the hill as fast as I could with them close behind me, it was a long hill but with our speed we got there in like 5 minutes and saw Mario running up towards up looking ready to kill. I swear this girl has no idea how much she’s loved. I banged on the door like my life depended on it. I was going to get her safe, there is no way I’m letting anyone else in my life die.

Even if it kills me.


Imma Try Get The Next Chapter Out On Monday :D

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Love Ya’ll <3 xx

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