Chapter Six [Pic of Shad & Isaiah]

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I woke up to that dry musky hospital smell, ergh this is why I never go hospitals. They just make me cringe, its like I can smell death. The atmosphere is just wrong, I don't know how to explain it but I just hate it. The thought of death doesn't scare me but I just feel like I can feel their pain. It makes me think about all the people I've lost in my life and that just makes me weak. I hate thinking about the amount of love I had and then remembering the amount I've lost

I struggled to open my eyes as I adjusted to the light *sigh. I remembered why I was here. It's hard to think that my own mother did this to me, the one person that promised to always protect me from any harm. 'Nothings going to happen to my baby as long as I live' she would say as she kissed my forehead. 'I love you princess' she said on my first day of school. Things change I guess. I looked down at my leg in the thick cast. I can't even move by myself, the pain is just too much, all that time when I felt nothing, now I wish the pain would just go away.

'You should've died instead' her words replayed in my head and I felt dizzy. I can't remember the last time I was really happy, able to think about nothing but love and daring to dream about what tomorrow would bring. Now all I think is will I ever get a tomorrow? *Sigh* I need to get back to that place. I shuffled in my bed looking around the room and noticed him sitting there on the chair sleeping peacefully. Wow, I completely forgot he was with me yesterday. He saved my life. I've known him for just over 2 weeks and he saved my life, I honestly don't know what I would've done if he hadn't called and came to help. I stared at him and remembered the way he looked at me, only Mario and Marcel have ever looked at me like that. Nothing but love, with him I felt safe.

He stayed with me through the whole night, even through the nightmares. I couldn't sleep, when I closed my eyes all I saw was her with the knife charging towards me. Either that or the dark eyes of the person that shot Marcel. He held my hand and comforted me as I screamed in pain, I felt my heart hurting as the tears refused to stop. He stayed strong and tried to console me. Even when the hospital staff tried to get him to leave, he refused and they didn't really have a choice with me constantly screaming from the nightmares. He was the only one that could calm me down. I smiled as I remembered his words 'I wont ever let anyone hurt you' he whispered in my ears as I drifted. I don't even know when I fell asleep, all I remember is him holding me as I cried.

I stared at him and he must have felt eyes on him because he started shuffling in his seat. I watched as his eyes slowly opened and he looked around scratching his head confused before realizing where he was and letting his gaze fall on mine. We stayed staring at each other until he broke the silence, "You aright?" he asked, I just smiled and nodded breaking our eye contact and looking away.

I felt the bed move and turned to see him lying next to me, I smiled to myself and buried my head into his chest. He snaked his arms around my waist and we just lay in a comfortable silence. I heard the door open just as I my eyes were beginning to close. I couldn't be bothered to move, I was too comfortable. "Aww" Melody. Great now there never going to let this go. I shook my head and Traevon chuckled into my hair. I stared at her and looked behind her to see Aziah struggling with a massive bouquet of flowers, Melody just stood in front of her with a plastic bag smh. Wait for it...

"Come help me you lazy shit!" Aziah shouted at Melody still struggling, I laughed so typical.

"Can you not see me holding something, this bags heavy you know," Melody replied, I need to sit down. She sat down and we all watched Aziah struggle with her miniature self to put the flowers in the vase.

"Dumb Paigon!" Aziah said and we all burst out laughing.

"So.." they both stared at me and Traevon still cuddled up on the bed. "Hope we didn't interrupt anything" Melody said smiling. Traevon laughed as I screwed.

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