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2 Days Later...

Meera Singh

"Why are you leaving now? You just came not too long ago."

I heard mom and pouted. It's been two days since Sanu and Jiju's wedding dates fixing and I'm returning back to Australia today. It wasn't my plan to return this early but there's some urgent work came because of which we have to leave.

"I also don't want to leave mumma but there's some urgent work that suddenly came. But I promise when I'll come for Sanu's wedding, I'll stay for a month!"

I said and my mother sighed with a sad look. I can feel her emotions. Even I'm upset to leave but what can I do? Work calls are also important. As I packed all my stuff, Archie came with his.

"Ready?" I asked him and he nodded. We then went downstairs with our luggage and I saw Samika there. When she saw me, she pouted and hugged me.

"Don't go yrr Meeru please!" She said and I sighed. "I also don't want Ika, but I have to." I said and she pouted more. "Now don't do this or I really can't go." I said and she pouted more. "Then I'll keep doing it! Archie please stay! We just met, there's so much to talk and places to hang out."

"I know dude! But our boss is a bitch! I don't know what's his problem." Archie scoffed and I laughed. "I'll come soon, don't worry." I said and she nodded with a sigh.

I then take blessings from my chacha and chachi and move to my two brothers. I hugged Ved who hugged me back and I patted his head before moving towards Riyaansh.

"Finally you're going. Don't come anytime soon." He said and I rolled my eyes. "Shut up bitch! I'll come whenever I want to." I said. "But you're going now so, go!" Rolling my eyes once again, I hugged him and we leave for airport.

We arrived there soon and get off with our luggage. There's still time left for our flight so we were waiting in the waiting area. Jiju and his family are also coming to see us off. Isn't it great?


We heard and turn to see Jiju with his parents and Agastya. I smiled as they came near us and Jiju hugged me. I hugged back. He is like my big brother, I never had.

"Why are you going so soon after you said you'll stay for longer, huh?" Jiju asked and I sighed. "I didn't wanted to but work calls." I said and he nodded. "I understand. Come soon, ok? You know it won't be fun teasing your sister without my partner."

I chuckled and nodded as we fist bumped. It's true. Whenever I come to India, jiju and I always gang up against Sanya and tease her so much that she literally beats us.

"I heard that." Sanya rolled her eyes and we laughed. I then touched uncle and aunty's feet who blessed me with so much warmth before moving towards him.

"Well see you soon?" He said and I nodded. He is coming to Australia soon as well but when I don't know. "When will you come?" I ask. "Why? Will you come to pick me at the airport?" He teased and I rolled my eyes.

"If you want, sure." I said and he raised his eyebrows and I shrugged. "Then Wednesday next week, I'll be waiting to see you at the airport." I nodded. "Sure. I'll be standing at the airport with a big board that'll say 'Welcome Mr. Agastya Kapoor'."

He chuckled at that and I smiled. We nodded at each other and then I went back to where my parents, Samika and Archie were.

"What was that?" Asked, Samika. "What was what?" I asked back. "Don't try to act smart, Meera. We saw it and I've been seeing it since Diwali." Archie said and I can feel my ears turning red.

"I don't know what you two are talking about. Oh, look! It's time for our flight. Let's go Archie." I said and that grab everyone's attention. I touched elders' feets once again before hugging other and we leave for check-in. And soon we were flying to Australia.

"So?" Archie looked at me. "So what?" I asked. "You know, Meera." He said and I sighed. "It's nothing. He just flirts with me so, I flirt back. That's it. It's a healthy flirting." I said, more to myself. "Doesn't seem like it. Especially the way you two look at each other." He smirked.

"Shut up! You're speaking nonsense." I said. "I'm not. Definitely not. And besides there's nothing wrong. Who knows maybe it's your chance to get a boyfriend after him." I looked at Archie. "Arch, shut your mouth or I'll ban you from my house."

"Nope. You can't do that. I know you can't." He said and I rolled my eyes. As if! I then ignored him and put my headphones on and close my eyes to take a nap.

But certain someone's eyes and smile keep coming in mind. Oh God! What's happening?Shaking my head from irrelevant thoughts, I fell into a deep sleep.

When I woke up, we've already arrived. Archie and I stand up and get of the plane. We then grab out luggages and went to grab a taxi then went to my house.

"Why aren't you going to your own house?" I asked. "Because no one's there and I don't want to be alone. Especially after coming from your house." I sighed and nodded, getting what he meant.

We arrived at my home and we get off then paid the taxi fair and entered inside. We both plopped down on the couch and heaved a sigh. Travelling can be tiring man!

"What do you wanna eat?" Arch asked. "You gonna cook?" I asked. "Do I look like I can? Obviously, I'm gonna order." I rolled my eyes and he scoffed. "Order Chinese or Korean. I don't mind. I'm gonna freshen up."

With that, I stand up and leave to freshen up. I took a long warm shower that relaxed my body. After that I came down and saw Archie already settling out food. We both ate our food before retreating back to our rooms and took a nap. What a day!

Hope you like the chapter and hope that you're liking the story as well! Please do comment and vote, y'all!

Have a nice reading!


Author M✨❤️

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