Eight|Ice Cream

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Meera Singh

It's been a week since Agastya has come here as his friend still hasn't come and will probably won't be coming soon. Apparently the work he has gone for is taking time because of which he couldn't come soon.

So, till then Agastya will be staying with me as per the orders from my mom and my sweet sister. Agastya tried to pursue them to let him live in a hotel but they straight up refused saying and I quote:

'Why live in a hotel when your family is there?'

Family is me. Me is family. Not that I mind living him. Absolutely not. The past days he spent here were full of laugh and fun banters. We playfully fight over silly things and then laugh like maniacs. Archies also joins us every other night adding more fun.

But the problem is, Agastya flirts with me a lot. Like a lot. And he never fails to make me blush. The dude is pro I'm telling you! He flirts with me every single chance he got and I always try hard to control my blush but failed to do so.

The thing is I don't want to get in this too much. It's fine as long as it's healthy flirting. I don't want it to be more. He is my sister's soon to be brother-in-law for God's sake! I shouldn't be feeling anything for him but he is making me feel things!

Like right now, I'm making us dinner and he is leaning on the kitchen door with his hands fold around his broad chest and staring at me. Like stop staring!

"Don't you have work to do?"

I asked, finally. "Why? Am I distracting you?" I can hear the smirk in his voice. "As if! Are you Issac Hensick, who will make me distract?!" I lied. Because he is distracting me!

"Who?" He asked and I turn around to stare at him. "My boyfriend." I said and he look shocked. "You have a boyfriend?" He asked and I nodded. "Uh-huh. Lots of them." I replied, turning back to stir the curry.

"Woah. I never took you as a player type of girl." I mentally chuckled. "Well what can I do? They all are just so nice. Handsome, caring, loving, gentleman. A total green flag!" I turn around only to be met with his broad chest in front of my face.

"Then do you have a place for one more?"

Agastya asked and I bite my lips. "Depends on who that is." I shrugged. "Oh! Is that so? How about I say, he is standing in front of you?" He said. I tried hard not to smile and I can see him doing the same.

"Nope. Not interested. I can do much better." I said and turn around when I heard him chuckle. "Babe, you can't do much better than this. This is a whole meal." He said. "Which I don't want to eat! So, if you'll excuse me." I said.

"Woah there. Who said anything about eating and all huh?" I feel my ears turning red and scoffed. "Whatever mister!" I said and he laughed. "Is Archie coming tonight?" He asked.

"Nah. Boy's got some family dinner to attend." I said. "Oh ok. Do you need help?" "Asked too soon." I said, sarcastically and turn to see him scratching the back of his neck with a sheepish smile.

"I'm sorry. I'll do the dishes." He said. "It's fine." I said. After done preparing our dinner, I placed it on the table and we dig in. Yummy. I really make some good food. Good work, Meera, good work.

"Can we like walk around the neighbourhood a little? I mean I haven't gone out much except for my work."

I heard Agastya and stopped mentally patting myself for making good food. Well, he is right. He hasn't gone out much since he arrived here except for going to his work. And let me tell you dude looks damn hot in formals!

"Sure. The neighborhood is quite lively here at night. There's also a small ice cream parlour, we can grab some ice cream! I told him excitedly and he raise his eyebrows.

"Ice cream at night? Do you have a death wish?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. "Dude! What's the fun if you don't live a little? Besides it's not like it's much cold here! So, nothing will happen. Just chill!" I said and he shake his head at me.

After dinner, Agastya washed the dishes while I cleaned up the table. Why the fuck does this feel like we are a couple? Oh God, no! Stop thinking with your useless brain, Meera! This is not some Hollywood or Bollywood movie. Snap out of it!

"Let's go?" I heard him and turn around. "Yeah, sure. Let's grab our jackets and let's go!" I said and we grab our jackets and went out, not before locking the door.

We started wandering around the streets of my neighborhood. I had a pleasant smile on my face while his looks calm. We shared a comfortable silence which was soon broken by me.

"There! My favourite ice cream parlour." I grinned and Agastya look where I was looking. "Blissful Bites?" He asked and I nodded. "Seems cozy." He shrugged and I again nodded.

"It is. Come in." I said and take him inside. We were immediately greeted with that cozy and comfortable feeling and I smile wide before going towards the counter.

"Good evening, Mr. Carter!" I greeted the owner. Mr. Carter is an old man in his sixties and he runs this shop with his wife and their grandkids comes as well. "Good evening, my sweet child. How are you? It's been long." Mr. Carter said and I smiled.

"Yeah, I got busy with work! I'm sorry." I said. "It's fine. And who's the lad behind you? Boyfriend?" Mr. Carter wiggles his eyebrows and my cheeks turn red. "No, Mr. Carter. He is my sister's brother-in-law. He is in Australia, right now and is living with me." I told him and he nodded.

"So, usual?" I nodded then turned to Agastya. "What'd you like to have?" I asked. "Vanilla." He said and I scrunched my nose. "Plain and boring." I said, turning to Mr. Carter and telling him his order.

"It is not." He said. "It so is." I said. "Whatever, Princess." He mocked and I glared at him. "Here you go." I heard Mr. Carter and turn to see him with our orders. "Thank you, Mr. Carter!" I said and paid for our treats before we both went out.

"Hmm! I missed this. I haven't had ice cream in ages. Finally!" I said as I happily munch on my dessert. "Why? I thought you have it like every other day." Agastya said. "Well I would have but I can't because I get so tired after work that I just have dinner and then direct on my bed." I said.

"Then just get big bucket of ice cream at home or something?" He said and I stopped eating. "Why didn't I think of this? Gosh, I'm dumb! I always knew." I said and heard him chuckle.

"You're cute." He said and I blushed. "You know you should totally stop saying all this!" I said and he smirked. "Why? Does it affect you? Princess." Again with the nickname. "Definitely not. As I said you're not Issa--"

"Yeah yeah I know I'm not Issac Hensick or Adam Carlsen or anyone but! But I'm Agastya Kapoor." He grinned. "And?" I asked, bored. "And.... nothing. By the way which flavour did you got?" He asked.

"Chocolate chip! The most tastiest flavour! I love it." I grinned. "Is that so? Let me have a taste too." He said and took a bite from my ice cream making my eyes widen and gape at him. "Hm. It is good. I'll try it next time."

He said and went ahead like he just didn't took a bite from my ice cream. My ice cream! Well one thing about me is I absolutely love my ice cream and I do not and I mean do not, share it with anyone.

"Did you just---" "Here you can taste mine too!" He said forwarding his ice cream on to my face, stopping me mid-sentence. I looked at him then at the ice cream then again at him and again at the ice cream. "Try it." He said and I did.

"How is it? Yours is much better anyways." He said and started walking ahead, leaving me behind at my spot. What the hell is wrong with this guy? He can't just- he can't. Ughh! God stop me before I started feeling something I don't want to.

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