Fifteen|New Year

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{Agastya Kapoor}

Two months passed by so soon and it's new year already! This year went by quick and happily and I couldn't be more content. Next month is Bhai and bhabhi's wedding and we can't wait for it!

These past two months has been blissful in Australia, especially with Meera. She is just so perfect and I thanks to God for letting a woman like her come in my life. I can't believe two months passed so soon with her.

I'm still living with her and even Samika and Nakul are staying here for like vacations, as they said. We six, along with Archie and Piya, have become so close with each other that it feels like we've known each other for years.

We went out for partying or just to some places to hang out. It was so fun to be honest. We went somewhere almost every two weeks. If it to us then w would've gone everyday but Meera and Archie's boss is a real bitch, just as they said.

Moving on, today for new year we have planned go to a club at night but in the morning Meera has planned a date for us but it's a surprise for me. Since our first date, we plan dates alternatively whenever we get time. And it's Meera's turn today.

We both are sitting in her car and she is driving to God knows where. She is looking damn hot and gorgeous in her strapless white top with beige pants. On the other hand matching her, I'm wearing a white shirt and beige pants. It was a total coincidence, I swear.

"Where are we going, princess?" I asked, when she turn towards a very empty road. "You're not going to kill me, are you?" I joked. "What if I am?" She said and I rolled my eyes. "Then I'll take you with me or just follow you as a ghost." I said and she laughed.

"Cute. Anyways, we are here." She said and I look outside to see a big abandoned park? "What are we doing here?" I asked. "Picnic." Meera said, getting off the car and I raise my eyebrows. "Don't look at me like that. It's always been one of my ideal dates." She said and I smiled.

"Shall we?" I asked and she grinned before we both get off. Meera opened the car trunk and there I saw all the things for our date which I didn't noticed before. Like, when did she even put it? I helped her with the stuff as we get in.

"Wow. This park is so beautiful! Why is this abandoned?!" I asked as I saw the beauty in front of me, not more beautiful than my girl but yeah. "I know right! I've been thinking the same." Meera said and I nodded.

We then spread the picnic matt and sit down to eat. And wow the variety of food has my jaw dropped. Like?? I bet she didn't made it herself, she might've ordered it.

"I didn't make it just so you know." Meera said. "Of course, I know baby." I said and she frowned at me. "I mean, I know you can but this much? No." She looked away and I laughed before smiling down at her.

"What? Why are you staring at me?" She asked. "You're looking gorgeous. Just like....mine." I said and she laughed making me smile more. "You're looking handsome too and look! We are matching!" She said with a bright smile.

"We are. Amazing, isn't it?" I said and she smiled before pecking my lips. "Let's eat! I'm hungry." I nodded and helped her setting our food before eating. "Hmm! This is good. Where'd you order it from?" I asked. "From one of my and Arch's favourite restaurant!" She said and I nodded.

We then keep eating while talking to each other. After that we went for a walk near the lake where we found field of daisies. Meera got so happy and ran there. Smiling, I took her pictures as she posed beautifully and cutely for me.

After clicking pictures of her and us, we decided to make something from the flowers, well more like Meera. She made a crown of flower and made me wear one before wearing herself one. She then made two rings as well and we wear it and click pictures with it as well.

Sometimes of playing around, we got around and sat down on our matt with Meera's back leaning on my front. We kept talking about random things and kissed or more like make out.

"What do you think will be our siblings' reaction of us?" She asked as she played with my fingers. "Bhai will be definitely shocked and will go overprotective for you." She laughed at that. "My sister will be shocked for sure." I chuckled.

"Why don't we get married on the same date as theirs?" I teased and she blushed. "Shut up!" She said and I smiled. "C'mon it's not that bad of a idea." I said and she showed me her tongue. "It's their wedding soon." She said and I hummed. "Will you miss your sister?" I asked.

"Well, of course. You know my sister and I were not used to close but during corona many things changed. I'm glad it did. We become so close." I rub her hair and she leaned on to me. After that there was a comfortable silence between us before we decided to go home.

We pack our stuff and walked out the garden, hand in hand. This time I took the driver seat and she sat in the passanger seat and I drove to her apartment. What a great day it was!

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