Chapter Five

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Gotham City

July 27, 11:32 EDT

Bruce and Selina were off at a party overseas for the opening of some museum. Alfred had joined Elizabeth for an early lunch. "You should see Gotham more." He told her.

"I'd love to but I can't," she sighed.

Alfred suggested, "We could go into town together to pick up a few things."

"Really? But," Elizabeth spoke thoughtfully, "it would look weird. An older man with a young lady that's holding a baby... it's a weird combination."

"People see weirder stuff in Gotham. You have heard of Baby Face right?" He asked.

She smiled, "Well, let's go then!" Alfred drove them into town where he parallel parked in front of a building. Elizabeth looked at it. It was a grocery store... attached to a really tall building? She'd never seen anything quite like it. Her family lived in the suburbs and refused to go into town to do grocery shopping, so they drove to an out of town supermarket to do all their shopping.

Elizabeth carried Evelyn as Alfred carried the grocery basket. He grabbed items at random, but there had to be a reason. There was always a reason with Bruce. They finished and got into the car. "Would you like to do anything else?" Alfred inquired as he waited at a red light.

"No, I'm good." Elizabeth said quite ready to go home.

"Very well," he stated, "home it is." They took the scenic route home so Elizabeth could see more of the city. She was happy with its tall buildings surrounding her. It gave her a feeling of safety...

Just then something hard landed on the roof of the car. Elizabeth screamed and Evelyn started to cry. Elizabeth tried her best to calm the baby while trying to comfort herself. "What was that?" She asked one Evelyn calmed down a bit.

"One of Gotham's parasites." Alfred said disgusted, "Batman can't seem to keep them out." A few police cars drove by and a young man went running after the person that had jumped on the car. A girl went jumping from building to building after the two.

Elizabeth stated, "Gotham is much weirder than I expected it to be."

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