Chapter Eight

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Gotham City

August 18, 16:24

Elizabeth sat there concerned. The doctor had told them that Alfred had a heart attack... and that he might not wake up from a coma. She looked up at the old man uncertain that he would ever talk again. The little machine beeped showing that he was alive still. Elizabeth sighed. Sure, Alfred seemed to be breathing fine on his own... but he might not be there when she went to school during the mornings. There was a lot to do to get the mansion looking spotless. School was going to start in two days. Elizabeth felt like she wasn't ready since she didn't know anyone.

As she sat there thinking she heard a groan. Elizabeth sat up straight looking at Alfred. Maybe he's waking up, she thought to herself walking over to his bed. Slowly Alfred opened his eyes and tried to sit up. "Take it easy!" Elizabeth scolded.

Alfred sat up anyway. "What..." he asked groggily looking around, "what happened?"

Elizabeth bit her lip, "You had a heart attack and you're in the hospital."

"I feel like I've been hit by a ton of bricks." he told the young lady.

"I'll call Mr. Wayne and let him know you're okay." She said digging her phone out of her purse.

Alfred looked confused, "He let you come here by yourself?"

"Yeah," Elizabeth spoke as the phone dialed.

Bruce answered sounding grumpy, "What is it now?"

"He's awake," she announced. Silence came from the other end of the line before he hung up. "Well," Elizabeth sighed, "I guess he's coming."

"How long was I out?" Alfred asked unaware he had missed much.

Elizabeth thought before saying, "Ten days."

"Ten!" he exclaimed, "I'll be fired!"

"You'll be fine. It wasn't your fault." she comforted. The two sat there for a while before Elizabeth stated, "I don't know how you can stand the traffic here. It's terrible!"

Alfred smiled, "I've seen worse. I also see he let you take him everywhere."

"Yeah," she said looking down, "I'm not that great at being a chauffeur though. Too much press around for my liking."

"Yes, master Wayne does attract a lot of attention." he told her. A nurse entered and shooed Elizabeth out to run some tests on Alfred. Bruce got there much later. The nurse let him go in, but only one visitor at a time was the nurse's demand. So Elizabeth waited for the billionaire to come back out.

Bruce spoke as he exited the room, "They're keeping him for a few more days before they release him." He continued down the hall with Elizabeth scrambling to catch up.

"Do you want me to drive?" she asked dreading the answer.

"Actually... I came here with a friend, they'll be driving." Bruce replied.

Elizabeth sighed before inquiring, "Wait? Who's this friend?" They exited the building where a man was waiting on a motorcycle.

"You mind if Elizabeth snags a ride home?" He asked the other guy.

"Sure, I have an extra helmet." A very familiar voice said. Elizabeth recognized that it was Dick only a few moments later when he handed her a helmet. "Hold on tight," he told her as she got on. Elizabeth was rather uncomfortable being this close to another person but Dick didn't seem to mind so she held on for her dear life.

He laughed, "Never ridden a motorcycle before?"

"Noo!" she exclaimed as they rounded a corner. After a while Elizabeth relaxed a little bit, loosening her grip just a little bit. She started to enjoy the ride after a while. The wind felt good blowing through her raven black hair.

Somehow they managed to get back to Wayne Manor without getting themselves killed. "Thanks for the ride," Elizabeth said a little out of breath as she handed the helmet back.

Dick flashed her a smile, "No problem. See you around."

Elizabeth blushed a bit as she watched him go away. Bruce seemed to notice this as he said, "He's a good kid. In fact he's also attending Gotham State University."

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